Pantech 3G Phone Spotted on FCC Site
Feb 6, 2007, 2:03 PM by (staff)

The FCC site revealed a new 3G clamshell phone from Pantech. The C600 is quad-band GSM/EDGE plus 850/1900 UMTS, which hints that it is probably slated for Cingular in the U.S., though this is not confirmed. The FCC documents don't mention Bluetooth, but the pictures show that it has an internal antenna, dual color displays and camera. The C600 would be the first UMTS 3G phone from Pantech for the U.S.
undrgrnd said:
... How would you like ur crow cooked? Fried or baked or maybe even grilled?
They're all fine just as long as you de-feather the damn thing.
Very interesting move by Pantech...
muchdrama said:
...the Daewoo of phone manufacturers.
but with the lowest return rate (from defect) in the cingular line up.