Dual-Sliding Messenger Phone for Helio Spotted on FCC Site
Feb 21, 2007, 2:30 PM by (staff)

A new dual-slider with Helio branding on it was seen on the FCC web site today. Internally called the Pantech PN-810, the phone features a three-layer design. The top layer holds the main screen and function buttons. If the top is slid up, the middle layer reveals a standard number pad, and if the phone is slid sideways, it reveals the bottom layer's full qwerty keyboard for messaging. The keyboard includes a dedicated emoticon key, but no direct access to numbers. It is equipped with an EV-DO radio, Bluetooth, 2.1 megapixel camera with flash, and a 260k TFT LCD. Another model that appears to be bound for Helio, the Samsung A303, is also waiting in the FCC's wings. It looks to be a variant on the U510 for Brazil - a slim slider with touch sensitive keys on the front, Bluetooth and 2 MP camera.
When will this phone be released?
I wonder if this is the Danger phone
Pretty heady design...
Maybe it's time to do away with the "Kmart of handset manufacturers" cracks.
I noticed in the description it said megapixel camera, does that mean 1.3mp? If so, no thanks!
I though Helio wasn't going to have any ...
The key for this phone will be the web browser.
EVDO, a good form factor, a good screen, and a do-it-all web browser will make this a compelling choice.
Helio finally get a messaging phone to compete with VZ's EnV