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Review: HTC G1

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Oct 16, 2008, 7:40 AM   by Eric M. Zeman

Here it is. The "GPhone". The Google Phone. The HTC G1 is the first phone running Google's Android platform. Does it pass muster?

Are you a geek? An early adopter? You don't have to keep up with the Joneses, you are Mr. Jones. Such is the market for the HTC G1, the first handset running Google's Android platform. HTC is well known for its Windows Mobile smartphones. It brings its smartphone know-how and has crafted a surprisingly dull piece of hardware for what is otherwise an exciting debut.

About the author, Eric M. Zeman:

Eric has been covering the mobile telecommunications industry for 17 years at various print and online publications. He studied at Rutgers Newark and University of Kentucky, and has a degree in writing. He likes playing guitar, attending concerts, listening to music, and driving sports cars.


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Oct 20, 2008, 2:46 PM



$24.99 > Unlimited data/web browsing and
access only

$34.99 > unlimited data/web browsing and
access plus unlitimed messages

$24.99 > unlimited data/we browsing and access plus 400 messages
it also extends your contract when adding package. i mean if you bought your phone you already probably had the 2 yr contarct if it was discounted but for those who are paying full price at the store. wen ever you add your g1 feature your contract wil...
if you have a grandather plan you have to change it in order to get g1 data plan. and also if you have unlimited plans you also have to change them to add datapackage. even if its an unlimited family plan. ☹️

Nov 3, 2008, 5:18 PM

g1 stds!!!!!

ok so after literally like 5 hrs on the phone with tmobile tech support.. which really has no clue about the g1... well after talkin to about 4 they were 1 for 4... i found out that .. there is a bug going around . and mine got it 😲 .. what happend was i plug in the data cable and my comp says that there is a e drive connected.. and my g1 says that its connected .. however u cant drag and drop files into the g1.... now there should be a android sync program .. so there is no way to explore files . but u can still drag and drop music and files and whatever u want and it will sync to the g1 .. well mine wouldnt do it .. also my batt like is not bad its really really bad.. standby we are talkin like 4 hrs .. even with 3g turned off !! anyway...

Oct 23, 2008, 4:46 PM

fun to play with, but taking it back

I'm the 1st to admit the screen and features are nifty and fun to play with, but on a practical level I just can't live with this phone.
For one, the battery life is horrible esp. for a phone that is DESIGNED to be played with a lot. Another design flaw is for all its media features, it lacks stereo bluetooth capability!! That right there is a complete deal breaker for me, I always use my phone as an mp3 player with my S9- and with built in youtube as well you'd think that'd be included- that was really unexpected from HTC. Speaking of youtube - some basic searches yield the dumbest, most obscure results instead of the common one you're looking for ( that comes up 1st on a normal youtube search).
The interface is mostly intuitive, MOSTLY...
I heard the Pearl Flip isn't that hot.
yea i sent mine back tooo but its still the sickest phone i have every been on ... way better than the i phon ! and who wants a blackberry anything ..... nokia or moto all day babe

Oct 28, 2008, 1:14 AM

G1 issues / Questions

Overall the phone is not bad BUT 2 Questions?

1) can the size on the text for emails be adjusted? on some messages the type is quite small. Also can the text on attachments be enlarged? ( YES I KNOW WEB PAGES & MAPS CAN BE ADJUSTED)

2) is there a way to transfer all contacts and addresses from my outlook / blackberry contacts to the G1. The tmobile store at first said no problem then once I bought it OOPS sorry>>>>>

nope no way to it except for sim or ive had a customer actually sync it to his comp from blk and copy and paste to gmail account.. whatever is on your gmail will be on your phone 😁

i dont think you can change the text size yet.. i looked everywh...

Oct 28, 2008, 3:45 PM

Google docs?

I'm sure you can go to Google docs on this but can you edit your document too and then save, email?

Oct 21, 2008, 9:53 AM

G1 is the best HANDS DOWN

I have had blackberrys, sidekicks, i've had the first iphone, and let me just say the G1 totally took a SQUAT and completed SH**TED on all these phones. Let me just clarify the reason I said this. Now if your a person looking to be able to open up microsoft documents, and more on the business side. Indeed, I would stick with a blackberry! If your a young person or a person who uses a cell phone more for entertainment, web browsing, and more then you would agree with me especially if you had a IPHONE or TMOBILE SIDEKICK LX!

Browser: Super Fast

Menu Style: Easy

Qwerty Keypad: is a must have when using a touch screen. Although I must say its very flat and will take some time to get used to.

Applications: Are free and you do not hav...
There is a note app already! I downloaded it today from the "Android Market." It's called Quicklist. It's pretty sweet! You can use your finger or type! Android is hype! But there are several shortcomings:

No Video Recording.
No A2DP.
No Camera ...

Oct 24, 2008, 2:26 PM


Is it me or is this just going to be the first of many for Tmobile? I mean, The phone does look terrible so it wouldn't surprise me that there just using this to create something better in the long run... Even though this is made my HTC it still seems like they need to do some work with the Tmobile network... Anyone else feel the same? 😳

Oct 23, 2008, 2:24 PM

is the phone shipped unlocked?

I thought I read that it was. And that this is the first phone on T-Mobile's network to do this. So if I don't get a Signal with T-Mobile, I could with an AT&T SIM in the phone?

I'm also finding that the phone is $399 to buy. But if I sign up and pay $179, cancel, and pay the $150, and than signup with AT&T with the $35 activation, It would still be less than $399.

for anyone who does have the G1, try the AT&T chip and see if you can make a call.


The phone is not shipped unlocked. and the phone is not compatible with att 3g network. you need the g1 feature from tmobile to even access the features on the phone.

Oct 16, 2008, 7:56 AM

it looked horrible

the hardware looks horrible. its not attractive at all. im not suprised it sucks, after all its a t-mobile phone.
Actually, the hardware is much more impressive in person. I was able to play with a model at the local T-Mobile store last week. I was expecting something approaching the Sidekick, but the device had a high quality feel to it and the OS was very respo...
tru that midnight.... im not to impressed its just a phone that t-mobile needed to get some win back from all the iphone hype to me they both are overrated im thinkin that the att tilt over a year old is still heads above these devices(thanks to xda...
lots of wasted space, no standard earphone jack jerky keyboard. they design the phone same size as Iphone but manage to make smaller screen. keyboard is not necessary you look like a kid playing with sidekick. no Microsoft exchange support
no intern...

Oct 19, 2008, 8:38 PM

Specs from HTC

Because every review I've read lacks these.

http://www.htc.com/www/product/g1/specification.html »

Hopefully the 528 mhz processor isn't only on the unlocked HTC version they'll sell over seas. We all know that's been one of the let downs with TMO's previous HTC phones.
What do they have besides the 528 mhz? The HTC site shows that that is the best processor they have except for the big devices like the Shift.

Oct 16, 2008, 10:54 AM

T-Moile Hotspot@Home

Does the G1 work with T-Mobile's Hotspot@Home service?
No it does not and its really a shame because its such a great technology. They need to come out with more phones that have the hotspot@home feature. Free minutes and better signal through your router is something they should put on all phones.
I agree. You would think that one of their flagship phones would have all the features.

Oct 16, 2008, 11:20 AM

Rich: Slow web?

Rich, other online blogs said that the internet was fast on 3G and on EDGE. Maybe the device you had was bad, or your local coverage area wasn't 100%.
T-mobile is not even halfway done with its 3g rollout. Its quite possible he was not in a good 3g coverage area. Considering the speed of the processor and Tmo's 3g is actually (3.5) I wonder if he was running on Edge.
Ask Eric. It's his byline on the review; he wrote it. 😉
wait... so which on is it? is the G1 fast or not? Or do we actually have to wait untill it's released to come to a general concensus?

Oct 17, 2008, 8:40 AM

Dont think you can pull the track ball to clean it.

had my hands on one this week.

I love the full keyboard and trackball set up.

But as a BB user...i am scared to death of a trackball i cant pull out to clean.

i would want to see the survival rate of this phone in the real world with out an easily servicable trackball.
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