RIM Adds 8820 Wi-Fi-Enabled BlackBerry to Lineup
Comments 72
Jul 17, 2007, 4:05 PM by (staff)
updated Nov 10, 2007, 5:52 PM

The new BlackBerry 8820 from Research in Motion is the first to combine a phone and Wi-Fi in one device. Only recently approved by the FCC, the 8820 is a GSM/EDGE device that includes 802.11a/b/g radios for Wi-Fi hotspot connectivity. It is loaded with a UMA client and can access fixed-mobile convergence services such as T-Mobile's HotSpot @Home. Other additions to the spec list include built-in GPS, the newer media player applications such as those on the Curve, and support for the microSDHC standard up to 32 gigabytes. It also includes stereo Bluetooth. The 8820 will launch on AT&T's network later this summer.
Spritn has it too!!!
Of course like everyting else they get, sprint is not going to advertise it, but they have also released this phone with their cdma network and it is world gsm also built in...it is model 8830.
Wifi (will the 8820 use wifi for voice calls and email?)
I suspect the wifi works for browsing the web. The question I have is will the wifi also be used for sending and receiving emails, but even more importantly phone calls?
I am currently using VerizonWireless. Their network is fine where I live. I am planning on switching to AT&T. A friend came by last night who is on AT&T and signal strength was very low on a relatively new phone and on the 8800.
If the 8820 will be using wifi for phone calls and email then I can switch to AT&T and get this phone even though coverage from the AT&T network isn't so great.
Thanks for all advice.
I have asked the same question on the other sites that claim to have information on "Blackberry" and as of yet NO useable answer, I don't think anyone knows.
this is BS
why does AT&T get nearly all of the hot blackberrys
It doenst make much sense that they mention UMA when Tmo is the only company doing it. They also own 6000 hotspots and have plans that include them.
What I dont get it - the article actually mentioned Tmobiles UMA, then goes on to say that the phon...
Simple, because they have more blackberry customers in the US than any other carrier.
You can have them. Until Blackberry puts video record on them, you can have them.
You know what... I'd rather they get it first... that way all of the bugs are worked out for the T-Mobile version... and once people find out it's for HotSpot@Home... everyone will either a) get it unlocked for TMO or b) just switch to TMO to use it. ...
According to our Blackberry rep for T-Mobile, she said we WILL be getting this phone around this september. the articles does mention that it is EXCULSIVE to either our carrier or AT&T. to there is no contract for either company to get this model blac...
That's exactly what I was thinking. They can add Wi-Fi but still no 3G/HSDPA? WTF??? ☹️
3G chips fall under all sorts of proprietary traps (see the Broadcom vs Qualcomm debacle), so they'd either have to very carefully license 3G technology (I'm not sure who they went with for the Euro 3G on the 8707), or they could develop their own.
I heard through my agent rep that when it lanches with T-mobile it will have Aws 1700 3g later this year.
Personally, I'd take wifi any day over 3G. It's much easier to add apps for wifi than 3g, and wifi doesn't cost nearly what it does for 3g data services.
Any other carriers?
Any talk of a CDMA carrier getting this one? I mean sprint is going 4g and wi-fi in a year. why not eh? 😎
Being that RIM already usually lags 6-12 months for CDMA compared to their GSM phones I have a feeling it will be a while before they have WiMax phones...
32 gigs? Holy smokers. 😳
ive heard 8 and rumors of 16 but 32 damn no that is merely impossible for that much flash memory0
When it says "the first to combine a phone and Wi-Fi in one device" it better only be talking about RIM
Didn't HTC's DASH do the WI-FI/phone thing first???
That sentence starts "The new BlackBerry...", so yes, it means "...the first (BlackBerry) to combine..."
No Cam?
Im sure this is dumb to ask but i went to the BB site and it didnt say anything about a Camera so i take it that it wont have one?
Wifi Sounds cool but i would like to have a Camera on it, I lost my 8300 a week ago back and i was going to get another one and i heard that a new one was going to come out and that it would have WiFi but if this one is not going to have a Camera then i might as well get another 8300 or should i wait even longer for a Camera version of the 8820
nope there is no camera and most likely wont ever be on the 8800 series your best bet is to get a new 8300 or wait for a wifi 8300 series which i heard was in the works along with a bb pearl 2
You mentioned that he phone is going to be provisioned for T-mobile's Hot Spot @ Home service but the phone is going to Launch for at&t later this summer. Does this mean that the phone is going to be available to both carriers 🤨 ?
that's exactly what i was wondering 🤨
was it maybe an error?
I could've sworn this bb was coming out for t-mobile not att
Rich.. Eric(s).. feedback? 🤨
The 8800 is on both, and even though the wifi can be used for UMA doesn't mean it can't also be used for wifi web access for non UMA carrier?
maybe AT&T is coming out with it's own response to the T-Mobile @Home? it would follow a semi-logical step for true home-domination... home phone, data, wireless, and now wifi-based phone?
I think it's something RIM built into the phone. Kind of like how file sharing with bluetooth is disabled on all Verizon phones. AT&T would have UMA disabled (temporarily, if they plan on offering it in the future, or permanently if it's never going...
AT&T is a confirmed carrier. RIM built it to support UMA (HotSpot @Home) as well, presumably hoping T-Mobile would choose to offer it. Whether they have done that has not been announced yet.
and support for the microSDHC standard up to 32 gigabytes.
🤤 🤤
iphone what