Apple Ups Commitment to use Recycled Materials
Apr 13, 2023, 1:08 PM by Rich Brome
Apple has set an ambitious new target of using 100% recycled cobalt in all Apple-designed batteries by 2025. Also by 2025, the company promises to use 100% recycled rare earth elements in its magnets, as well as 100% recycled tin solder and gold plating in its circuit boards. The company is also working to eliminate all plastic — even screen films, labels, and lamination — from its packaging by 2025. The company has already made significant progress toward these goals. In 2022, 25% of all cobalt and 73% of rare earth elements found in Apple products came from recycled material, as well as 38% of tin used in circuit boards. Apple's product packaging already consists of only 4% plastic, mostly in labels and lamination.