eBay Offers App to Android
Comments 6
Feb 17, 2010, 9:20 PM by Eric M. Zeman
updated Feb 17, 2010, 9:42 PM
Updated: Added URL
Today eBay offered a new application for the Android platform. The application let's Android users view auctions and make bids and manage auctions from their handsets. The app is a free download from the Android Market.
Mobile Crunch »
we dont need these craps on WM !
why app this, and app that?
what is wrong going to ebay.com on your pdaPhone?
Perhaps because it's nice to use an application that's optimized for your device? Sorry, but the mobile version of eBay.com just stinks.
Pocket Auctions Ebay is better...
Pocket Auctions Ebay by Bonfire media has been on Android since the beginning. It is faster and has more featured than the app Ebay released. Hell... Bonfire won an award from Ebay in 2004 for their mobile apps.
This is nice!!
I'm glad android is starting to get applications for buisnesses... apps like pizza hut, ebay, amazon, etc only help the app store