Sprint HTC Evo 4G Updated With Slight Improvements
Comments 36
Jun 28, 2010, 12:25 PM by Philip Berne
Sprint is pushing an over-the-air update for its flagship HTC Evo 4G phone. Users can update the Evo 4G to software version 1.46.651.1 either over Wi-Fi or a combination of Sprint's 3G network and Wi-Fi. The update brings improvements to Exchange Active Sync, Facebook Sync and Wi-Fi performance.
source: Sprint
This fix does nothing for battery life. I updated my phone this morning and still see a large power drain even with nothing but the esential apps running in the background. Sprint and HTC you better get on the ball ASAP or you will see a large churn of customers!
How long have you had the EVO? I noticed after a week or so, the battery was alot better. I do not run any task managers/killers. I have the Sense UI with news, friends feed, stocks, and weather refreshing quite frequently.
Android 2.2 is supposed to help with the battery, if not then you mite have a bad battery.
maybe if you put the damn phone down once in awhie you wouldnt have battery drain. Or play with the settings I can go 14 hours a day on mine
IMO *ALL* smartphone could have better battery life!
Yea I'm with everyone else...sounds like operator error and/or operator over use. I use mine HEAVILY for streaming podcasts, browse the web, and in 4G which uses more battery. I get 8-10 hours on 4G and 12-14 on 3G/wi-fi..i keep task killer set to aut...
you people are never satisfied,get a great phone then bitch about battery life....BUY A CAR CHARGER GET OVER IT!!! 🙄
Maybe it's a case of too many applications or too many radios running? 🤭
My battery goes all day, no problem. If I need to do a lot of browsing or GPS navigation, I carry a spare, not to mention always having access to car, wall and USB cha...
Leave it to HTC....
after the fiasco of the HTC Hero, I've lost faith in HTC to do the right thing... After putting off the 2.1 update forever the update made most Hero's worse! HTC puts out a ton of phones, they just need to put a little more effort into keeping up the support for those phones. I do find it funny that dumb a$$es blame the carrier when a phone doesn't act right, and clearly it's a phone issue....
How did the 2.1 update make your Hero worse? I like how much smoother it runs since the update and I will hold off getting another android phone once I'm eligible again for a discount.
I would hold off on update
I updated my phone this morning. My wife wasn't around so planned on doing hers later but after a few hours with mine I think I will hold off on updating hers.
My battery initially seemed better, then worse. Google talk kept running after being closed. Voicemail notifications were not showing up, scrolling became jerky.
I was using the stock browser so decided to try Skyfire again. Skyfire seems to be better than the stock browser which was not the case before the update.
At this point the phone seems a bit off so if you have not done the update I would wait and see what issues people are reporting.
Does this kill the root???
Does this kill the root??? 🤨
has anybody else not received this yet?
I checked for firmware updates and nothing was available.
Go and click on HTC Software updates and it will pop up.