Sprint Pulls HTC Evo 4G Update
Jun 29, 2010, 1:20 AM by Philip Berne
HTC and Sprint have stopped distributing the OTA Evo 4G update after a handful of customers complained of "having some issues." Updates will resume shortly after the carrier investigates.
New update bricks phones? Have you tried a hard reset?
Make sure phone is not plugged into usb charger or computer
Hold the volume down and press and release the power key
Phone will load a white screen with technical text displayed
There will be 5 options listed:
Clear Storage
Hboot USB
Please wait a moment for the boot to finish loading before you can select an option
Use the volume button to cycle up or down
Select clear storage and tap the power button
Two options will show.
Delete all user data?
Press the Up Volume button.
Screen will say:
Phone will reboot in 5 seconds
Phone will reboot
Once phone is back on it will be back t...
Updates, updates, updates...
But if this is going to happen, I'm just fine with what I got.