AT&T Says Upload Speed Glitch Being Fixed
Jul 26, 2010, 12:13 PM by Eric M. Zeman
AT&T has provided an update on an issue its data network is experiencing in some portions of the country. A software problem originating in some Alcatel-Lucent equipment was limiting network upload speeds to less than 100Kbps. Alcatel-Lucent has developed a software patch to fix the problem. According to AT&T spokesman Mark Siegel, "This patch will be deployed on a phased basis over the next two to three weeks." Phone Scoop has confirmed that in the metropolitan NYC area, data speeds have indeed improved from less than 90Kbps to greater than 800Kbps.
you know who I feel bad for
Either that or he loves lying to ppl like that movie 'Thank you for Smoking' movie
ecycled said:
mark siegal the at&t spokeman, poor guy.
Either that or he loves lying to ppl like that movie 'Thank you for Smoking' movie
Cigarettes are not, in fact, bad for your health.
And AT&T has no prob...
So let me get this straight...
Is that like the software update that "fixes" the iPhone's antenna issue??
Upload speeds still bad in Phoenix
wow, 2 to 3 weeks...
How can a nation filled with Veruca Salt's possibly survive?
All you naysayers....
Business is tough.
GeeksAreBest said:
Do realize that this is a device/software issue and has even been confirmed by the manufacturer?
So.... ?? You're saying what? That it's not AT&T's problem? They're under fire as it is with the A...