Verizon Wireless In Trials With $100 Unlimited Plan
Comments 54
Aug 18, 2010, 1:38 PM by Philip Berne
Verizon Wireless is offering select customers in Los Angeles and San Diego a $99 monthly plan that includes unlimited talking, text messaging and data usage. Normally, Verizon offers an unlimited talk and text option for $90, but in those California markets, the plan is now on offer for $70. With a $30 unlimited data plan for smartphone devices, the total price has now dropped to $100. This competes directly with Sprint, which also offers its Simply Everything plan for $99. Similarly, T-Mobile offers a $100 all-in plan, and the carrier will cut that to $80 with no annual contract if you don't buy a phone at a subsidized price.
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Where is TexasWireless
I told you they are finally taking sprint serious!!
Possibly. Sprint is finally starting to dig themselves out of the mindshare hole they've been in for the past few years.
But on the other hand, this could just be another step to get users used to the idea of data. I wouldn't be surprised if th...
Sure would be nice to see a cheap nunlimited 2-line family plan!
I've got 2 lines on my acct. It would be nice to see cheaper plans for a 2-line family share plan! These wireless bills are very, very expensive, some *value* would be nice!!!
sprint's second line is 89.99 😁
Pageplus cellular offers Unlimited talk, text and 20mb of data for $45 a month. So two lines for $90 is good.
there are some real haters in here. Look even if you hate Verizon... this is still good news for all consumers. If Verizon starts dropping some prices and gets more aggressive it not only helps Verizon customers but will influence promotions on their competitors as well.
Verizon drops their price
+At&t follows
+Sprint and everyone else just keep going lower to stay the better value
=consumer wins
Sure I hate Verizon. That's no secret. I'm just saying that until it becomes a national plan available to isn't real and AT&T won't copy it until it launches Nationwide. When VZW launched the $99.99 Unlimited Voice plan a few years back th...
is the data pack
with GPS, tv service and radio service? Sprint does have those services and also the nascar and NFL app
no gps is still $10-15, TV is another $10-30
Sprint does not have the NFL App anymore. GPS is included for free on all their current android products.
Is it a fail when you don't even know what Sprint offers?
Hmmm... Not bad... But no Blackberry... Sprint still beats them
No blackberry.....
? not sure what no blackberry is........
unlimited plan is $70 + $30 blackberry plan= $100
Or are you talking about the corporate bes rate of $45. In that case I am thinking you would be 70+45= $115. At any rate why no Blackberry?
Sprint still beats them because this is not a rate plan offered to all their customers.
Aug 18, 2010, 3:16 PM
No one's mentioned...
...that it does not include domestic long distance. That's a big exclusion.
And where does that erroneous information come from? Or is that some rubbish you just made up? Verizon has not had a brochure plan without Domestic Long Distance unlimited in a LONG time.
Serious reach. The plan doesn't stand up to Sprint's. No need to weaken your argument with that Long distance claim. Until Verizon has the balls to launch this really is a non-issue.
It was in the article that was linked to
AT&T... You're up!
I'd like a cheaper iPhone bill. Thanks.
ummm..att has the new tiered pricing buddy..15.00 for 200mb with 15.00 if you go over and get another 200mb or you can go with the 2 gig for 25.00 with 10.00 for every gig dont need unlimited me on that.
see the last sentence in the article
Simple mobile offers a unlimited talk,text and data plan for $60 a month with Nationwide coverage. It works with an unlocked iPhone.
MetroPCS doing some damage
Their prices are good but no 3G data in CA. Now Verizon is doing trails for $100 dollars in which you get an Unlimited plan (text and talk) with data on a 3G network. Is it still capped a 5gb? If so that would be false advertising!
Data on VZW Smartphones was never capped. It's unlimited and its only capped on data cards.
What does "Now Verizon is doing trails" mean???