Verizon Will Bring FiOS TV to Mobile Devices
Aug 18, 2010, 9:23 PM by Philip Berne
Verizon Communications will bring its fiber optic FiOS TV service to mobile devices, including Apple iOS and Android products. The first Verizon app will let current subscribers watch content on their devices while they are in their homes. GigaOm suggests this will alleviate licensing concerns, as the device will simply be an extra screen at home, which is where the content is licensed to be shown. A second Verizon app will let users purchase and rent videos to view across a range of supported devices. So, a user will download a movie to one device, and then be able to watch on numerous supported machines. The video download service will launch with support for the Droid X, Droid 2, Windows Mobile 6.5 devices and the BlackBerry Storm. Verizon plans to roll out the service to other devices, including the iPhone and other mobile phones. Finally, Verizon also showcased a media manager service that will let users store and retrieve up to 70GB of media on Verizon's cloud servers. Users can then view pics, videos and music from FiOS TVs, PCs and mobile devices.
Sadly FIOS is available in a very, very limited basis. No FIOS in Las Vegas, we're stuck with Cox here.
Anyway, if you want to read...
"Only Work in the Home"
How f-ing useless. This isn't Verizon's fault, they're at mercy of the licensing agreements for content (which is arcane.) But this seems even more useless than AT&T's U-Verse app.