Verizon Adds $80 5 GB Option to Pre-Paid Data
Comments 68
Aug 25, 2010, 10:52 AM by Eric M. Zeman
updated Aug 25, 2010, 12:13 PM
Updated: added detail about timing of release.
Verizon Wireless has updated its pre-paid wireless broadband plans with a new $80 monthly option for 5GB of data. Other pre-paid data plans from Verizon Wireless include 1GB for $50/month, 300MB for $30/week, and 100MB for $15/day. Verizon Wireless also offers post-paid broadband at $60 for 5GB/month or $40 for 250MB/month. The new plan option was added in early August. As a point of comparison, Sprint's pre-paid wireless broadband option via Virgin Mobile USA offers unlimited data for $40 per month.
Am I reading something wrong? Virgin's website says $60 for 5GB
Could just be my understanding of the story but nd states $60 for 5GB...right?
Even still..better deal than VZW.
If Virgin Mobile USA is providing Unlimited Data @ $40 a month, somebody needs to inform their webmaster.
It could be an announced price plan change and hasn't been implemented yet, and Eric Zeman has his tenses incorrect.
Let's see, I can pay $80 for 5 GB of data with Verizon, or $40 for unlimited data with Virgin
Hmm, uhhhhh, durrr, duhhhh, uhhhhhh, which one should I pick?
Yeah, that's showin' 'em, Verizon! Keepin' it competitive!
This must be part of Verizon's "We Think Customers Are Really Stupid" marketing campaign.
Seems like they think consumers are idiots...
If price was the only consideration we would all be driving Yugos and eating store brand foods...
Guess what? Price is not the only consideration.
Verizon just dont give a s@#t. They just like take this and if u dont like it whatever!!!
and virgin belongs to SPRINT 😁
Dear Verizon--
--your prepaid plans suck.
LOL... I expected some like Dear Verizon... F U!!! 😈
You have an amazing gift for the obvious--- sarcasm...not so much. In the end, however I wholeheartedly agree with you. Verizon give it up. No pre-paid option would be better than a ridiculous one such as this.
I hope they are handing out free devices... oh, they aren't?
Isn't that the whole point of the slightly higher price points for service plans on a monthly basis? why is verizon INCREASING the price of their monthly service plans for people who are willing to shell out full price for a data device?
Verizon is honestly the greediest bunch of bastards in the US cellular crowd.
When will AT&T follow suit...
I hope AT&T follows so people can get something like the iPad plans for their data devices. Their pre-paid data plans are really bad and I'd be willing to pay more for more data.
ATT offers pre-paid plans for laptop cards
What doesn't make sense is why Verizon's 5GB pre-paid plan costs more than their post-paid 5GB laptop card plan.....the primary advantage of pre-paid is supposed to be that it is cheaper
$80 a month for 5GB will always be too much MONEY. WHAT does Verizon Think we are, BALLERS 8.
Aug 25, 2010, 1:04 PM
Because we all know that Virgin and Verizon are identical services with the same coverage and data speeds. Why provide choices or options?...Not saying that I would do it...Verizon has always said they do not tout the cheapest service, but they do boast a reliable network.
You are right, but sometimes Verizon acts like it is a freaking satellite phone company. You know how satellite phone companies have way more expensive rates, but provide coverage where cellular doesn't? Well Verizon's extra coverage is not that muc...
Aug 25, 2010, 7:25 PM
Kinda interesting...
my regional company offers Nationwide (Sprint network) @ $40 for 5GB or $50 for 10GB.
Just really interesting move on VZW's part.
Some people feel more powerful if they spend more money for the same service... i.e. I'm better than you because I pay $30.000 for a car, and you can pay only $5.000... This is just matter of "how powerful are you" or "if your wage can afford this pla...
Quite a difference
$80 for 5GB or $40 for unlimited? Hard choice... 🙄
I wonder if they even had any hesitation when coming up with the biggest ripoff in the history of wireless whether or not anybody is stupid enough to go for this.
What is really odd is...
Sprint's post-paid pricing. They charge 59.99 for 5GB on a postpay contract. yet, their pre-paid offering is for unlimited at $40 bucks? Uhhh... what?
If you live in a 4G area, ok, I can see it... but for the majority of the nation... wtf?
i pay 69.99 for unlimited talk and text and data