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Apple Pushes Past RIM To Become Fourth Largest Phone Maker

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Oct 28, 2010, 11:07 PM   by Philip Berne
updated Oct 29, 2010, 7:23 AM

On strong iPhone sales in the last quarter, Apple pushed its way into the top five handset manufacturer list, taking the number four spot from BlackBerry maker RIM. Apple sold 14.1 million phones, garnering a 4.1% share of the mobile phone market. RIM, which sold 12.4 million handsets, held onto fifth place on the list, while Sony Ericsson fell out of the top five standings for the first time since IDC started tracking mobile phone vendors in 2004. The top phone maker, Nokia, held its position, selling 110.4 million units, almost as many as the next three manufacturers combined. Samsung held onto the number two spot with 41.4 million handsets, and LG ranked number three with 28.4 million handsets sold.

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Oct 29, 2010, 10:37 AM

Started making phones in 2007.

Not freaking bad!

In 3 years they haven't "toppled" the giant, but they have created enough demand for smartphones for EVERYONE to benefit from all of this!

I expected Apple to make some waves when I got my first iPhone, I expected them to be a solid manufacturer and do well. I just had NO IDEA they would be successfully competing against the hardcore companies like RIM and Nokia.

I wonder if they will continue up?
they wont, apple is a fad and its a thinkg to have a iphone wither its great or not but all trends die down then die away give the i phone two more years mabey 3 more years and they will be just a avrage and wont be on top
What's more impressive is that they have been able to take this lead while only offering one handset at a time versus RIM or Android's extensive offering across all networks.

Oct 29, 2010, 5:46 AM


But, but Nokia is dead, it...it can't be..
Nokia is NOT dead! They just do NOT want to make phones for the US market where consumers are used to either low cost or free phones given away by carriers if a consumer signs a contract.

Why should Nokia operate at a loss if they can sell their aw...

Oct 29, 2010, 7:07 PM

Poor RIM--

--on its way to irrelevance. And it's a damn shame, too--I totally dig Blackberry.
Same here, but they are not updating their phones like the other manufacturers. They still do the same thing they did 5 years ago. no evolution honestly. Practicallity is the best, but aesthetics and fun factor are not there.

Oct 29, 2010, 11:19 AM

Maybe if RIM's Canadian CEO's spent more time fixing their OS...

RIM is taking a waxing because their smartphone OS simply isn't powerful enough for 2010. It was a very nice and efficient OS in the days of the Pearl, but it's outclassed in every metric today. I hate writing this, because on Phonescoop's own forums I said back in 2006 that it was Blackberry that was the future.

The problem is that RIM simply sat on their collective behinds and produced round after round of crap software. Then, of course, justified it as "the new normal." Guys, the Storm should've never been built. The Torch- a beautiful piece of hardware- should not be outclassed by a Palm Pre once you turn it on. And it shouldn't have taken you 3 years to get with the WebKit program.

Developers for RIM are equally PO'd. Wa...
bluecoyote said:
RIM is taking a waxing because their smartphone OS simply isn't powerful enough for 2010. It was a very nice and efficient OS in the days of the Pearl, but it's outclassed in every metric today. I hate writing this
bluecoyote, you have made your argument clear and simple, without having to put spin on it. Nothing but facts. Facts that RIM is gonna have to realize if they don't want to lose more ground. I agree with you when you say that the Blckberry OS is old a...

Oct 29, 2010, 11:14 PM


No longer in the top six now?? Wow.

Oct 29, 2010, 12:45 AM

I think samsung could pass nokia next year!

At the rate Samsung is going I think they could pass Nokia as the number 1 cell phone maker in 2011! They have released a Galaxy S phone that ranks aleast in the top 3 smartphones on all 4 major US carriers and now the Google Nexus 2 looks like it will be a Samsung device and if the rumors of the Galaxy S2 are true its game over! Looks like those 1ghz Hummingbird processors are paying off big time ay Sammy! 😎
i agree if samsung keeps coming out with phones like the galaxy series, their going to be selling phones like crazy.
hmmm..u really like exagerating huh? hehe... i dont think next year..maybe they could beat nokia but certainly not next year.. as far as i can remember they wer at ~36mil last year so being at 41 mil this year doesnt beat 100mil next year lol

Oct 29, 2010, 4:53 AM

Saw that coming...

I am pulling for RIM...they've consistently made some pretty awesome phones unlike some companies, but the problem is, they are stuck in business. They did a decent job at getting consumers to buy Blackberries. But people bought them because they felt more "business like" not because it was truly an attractive phone to them. With iOS and Android, you've got phones made for consumers, not just business folk. And RIM just can't beat down the way of thought that Blackberries are for business.

The Torch should have been a slam dunk. It should have had a high resolution screen, better camera, and a faster processor. But what they came out with was super awesome...Blackberry. It's still that business phone and can't compete with the juggernaut ...
ya blackberrys are great for a businessman, but the average person who wants a smartphone is now going for andriod or iphone.
RIM should start a new line. They are going to have a tough time getting consumers to see the Blackberry as anything more than a business device. But, most people don't even know that RIM makes the Blackberry. It would help RIM to start a non business...
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