Carriers' Mobile Payment System Named 'Isis'
Nov 16, 2010, 8:20 AM by Eric M. Zeman
Following a report in the Wall Street Journal, AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon Wireless today announced Isis, a planned mobile payment network that make use of mobile phones to conduct point-of-sale purchases. The system will use smartphones that have embedded near-field communications (NFC) chips inside in order to conduct contactless payments. Michael Abbott, formerly with GE Capital, has been named as Chief Executive Officer of Isis. Isis will be based in New York City, and the joint venture expects to debut services in select regions over the course of the next 18 months.
source: Isis
I've been waiting for this for a !!LOOOOONG!! time. . .
Bring on the future! ! !
And to all you old geeser paranoid type people who unjustifiably worry about "oh but what if I lose my cellphone?" Guess what, you do the same --exact-- thing as if you lose your debit card. Call your banks customer service, cancel the old card, report it lost or stolen, and order a new one. Simple as that. Now stop being paranoid and get back into reality!
Jayshmay said:
And to all you old geeser paranoid type people who unjustifiably worry about "oh but what if I lose my cellphone?"
I am far more concerned with the logistical nightmare of having to update NFC IDs < ...