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Review: Samsung Exhibit 4G

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The Exhibit 4G has a 3.5-inch display with 800 x 480 pixels. Stuffing so many pixels into this smaller display makes for great pixel density and a really sharp-looking screen. It may not be one of Samsung's stellar Super AMOLED displays, but the Exhibit 4G's LCD gets the job done in fine fashion. Colors pop off the screen, and icons, text, and graphics all look as smooth as a baby's bottom. It isn't blindingly bright, but is more than adequate for indoor use. Outdoors in bright sunlight, the Exhibit 4G's display doesn't hold up so well. I found it very difficult to read and noticed that I was often looking for shade outdoors to see anything.


The Exhibit 4G performed well for a T-Mobile device in the metropolitan New York City area. In my home, it captured two bars, which is pretty typical there. As I traveled around with the Exhibit 4G to points across New Jersey, it ranged the gamut from zero to five bars. It was connected to T-Mobile's 4G network most of the time, and hardly ever dropped to EDGE. The Exhibit 4G remained connected to T-Mobile's network reliably enough that it didn't drop any calls. It missed several, though, and I had to re-dial a handful as well. Other than that, I had no problems. Data sessions were mostly jackrabbit fast. When under T-Mobile's fastest HSPA+ network, the Exhibit 4G was very quick to download web pages.


Phone calls sounded excellent through the Exhibit 4G's earpiece. Not only were they clear of static and noise, they were also present and warm sounding. There weren't any robotic or digital overtones clouding up conversations. The earpiece is also capable of producing painfully loud volumes. This means hearing calls in noisy environments won't be a problem. Ringtones and other alerts can be set to near-concert levels, ensuring that your neighbors will wake up every time you get a call. Use that volume button cautiously. The speakerphone is also insanely loud, and calls via speakerphone were clear, though prone to distortion if the volume is cranked too high. The vibrate alert was good, but not excellent.


The Exhibit 4G performs just fine when it comes to battery life. The device typically lasted about 1.5 days between charges. I found it needed to be plugged in by the afternoon of the second day. This is more than enough battery life for most users, who will likely charge each night anyway. Even some seriously heavy usage, including GPS navigation with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on, didn't sap the battery too much.


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