May 2, 2012, 10:35 AM
Wasn't BB7 just recently released?
I just kinda feel bad for anyone who bought one of the BB7 phones 😕
RIM is legendary for providing long term support for its products....I for one wouldn't worry about it......I was still getting updates to my old Curve as late as 2010....even though it ran OS 4.5, which was released in 2007....RIM will continue to pr...
I have had BB7 for more than 6 months and I am assuming by the time BB10 comes out it will be about a year which is a decent amount of time.
BB7 won't go away overnight anyway. Since BB10 needs new phones to run on it, I would say there could be a tr...
Hardware limitations are the most likely reason current Blackberry phones will not be updated. But, as long as RIM continues to support current phones, ot shouldn't be an issue for those who don't want to upgrade just yet.
Which is why I refused to pay $199.99 to UPGRADE to a 9930.