Review: Samsung UpStage
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over in the "Samsung UpStage M620" discussion:
iphone killer!
Just picked this bad boy up, all I can say is amazing!
All the apps you'll ever need, super fast processer. Wow!
and im coming from an EVO 3D..
over in the "Samsung UpStage M620" discussion:
playing youtube videos
I have problem with playing youtube videos through my phone. my upstage played videos on youtube just fine until last month. but now it just stuck on the white video screen and loading : 0%
I asked youtube about it, and they said
"Watching videos on the mobile version of YouTube still requires a mobile browser with a flash player. Your browser on your mobile phone may not be compatible with the mobile version of the site."
Does anyone have same problem? and know how to fix this?
Try using the mini browser - Opera Mini. You can download it at
over in the "Samsung UpStage M620" discussion:
I was wondering if this phone was discontinued permanently or only temporarily because it is no longer available on, if so, is it possible to still be able to get one at a Sprint store.
over in the "Samsung UpStage M620" discussion:
4G Question
Has anyone personally tried to use a 4 Gig micro SD and know for sure it wont work?
over in the "Samsung UpStage M620" discussion:
Bluetooth Ringers
đĄ Hey does anyone know how to set your ringers from your bluetooth to ringtones on the upstage II phone?
over in the "Samsung UpStage M620" discussion:
How do I make my phone ringer longer?
Currently my phone doesn't ring for very long and I don't get to hear very much of my ring tones âšī¸ How do I make my phone ring longer?
over in the "Samsung UpStage M620" discussion:
upstage volume problem
ok so i've uploaded mp3s on the phone's internal memory and sd card. when i play the songs, it's really low. the volume is all the way up on the main screen/menu settings/and player as well! now, sometimes lets say i change the ringer volume to level 5, then i go to the music player, the first song on the playlist plays at normal volume (pretty loud). but only the first song. ive also tried playing it through the menu/tools/mass storage area with the different player and still the same thing. i'm thinking this is a glitch but i have no idea what i should do bec sprint charges 35.00 for a refurb at store. sucks. any help please?
its def. not your phone! Mine does the SAME THING!
over in the "Samsung UpStage M620" discussion:
Red Samsung Upstage for sale/trade
Fone is like new in box with all original accessories. Clean esn for sprint. Make me an offer?
over in the "Samsung UpStage M620" discussion:
Permission Check Help
Every time I try to use an app that tries to access the network, it asks me if I would like to allow it to use the network and gives me the following options:
No, not this time
Allow this time
Never Allow
This is EXTREMELY annoying for apps like google maps because I'm prompted with this message every two there a way for me to ALWAYS allow?
over in the "Samsung UpStage M620" discussion:
file transfer??
This question is for the current users of this phone.
I read about transferring contacts via bluetooth but what about transferring pictures and video and music? can you transfer pictures and video files via USB to and from the phone? and can you transfer mp3 music to the phone via USB?
I ask this cause the guy at the sprint store said you can only upload pictures to sprint website and not thru USB.
I used to work at sprint! They are just trying to sell you on the web thing. I own this phone. just hook up your usb cable it comes with and drag the pics you want to the folder that say dcim in that folder there is 2 different folders. drag them into...
over in the "Samsung UpStage M620" discussion:
Silent Mode Stuck On?
I don't know, kind of an odd problem.. I can't seem to get silent mode off. I went to Settings > Sounds > Volume > Ringer and i can adjust it, but silent mode wont turn off. The mp3 player still works but ringtones dont.
If you haven't already tried restoring your phone setting to the default I would. My friend has the same problem with the Upd=stage. It was a specific ringtone that the phone didnt like. So if you recently downloaded a non-Sprint ringtone, that could ...
over in the "Samsung UpStage M620" discussion:
Create your own ringtone and put on memory card
I have finally found a way to create my own ringtone and place it on the memory card without having to use an uploader. Follow the instrucitons below.
Download this software 36/xilisoft_3gp_video_converter_22017.htm
Click on ADD
choose your MP3
at the bottom choose Profile = *.3g2
select encode
once its finished place it on your memory card
on the phone go to sounds>ringer type
select my video > your new one will be the one with a red x (thats ok cause its audio only)
THATS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can you explain it to me a little better please?
Just as an added note, once you have converted the ringtone to a .3g2, you have to match the file name to the preselected names that the phone uses when it creates a new file, for example, SSPX0015.3g2. (I think that the SSPX is the important part.) ...
over in the "Samsung UpStage M620" discussion:
What has better camera???????
What has a better camer the upstage the dlx the razr or the lg muziq?
IMHO. All three have better Camera funtions than the upstage.
over in the "Samsung UpStage M620" discussion:
FM broadcast capability???
I am thinking of buying this phone, but I want to know if it has any FM broadcast capability to a car stereo. If so, does anyone know where to but an adapter for this? thanks alot đ
The upstage does not have FM broadcast capability. I believe the LG Fuziq does. If your car stereo supports A2DP bluetooth, you can stream it to your car that way. I'm actually looking into buying a bluetooth to FM modulator to stream to my Seville.
over in the "Samsung UpStage M620" discussion:
Only get phone# of text messager - not name
I bought my daughter the Upstage and she loves it except for one thing: when she is texting, the incoming text messages are not identified by the person's name in her contact list - only by phone number. The phone is not connecting incoming phone number with contact name. Caller ID works fine - so for incoming phone calls the name appears.
She is pretty good at remembering people's phone numbers, but the list is getting longer and this seems pretty silly. Are we doing something wrong?
You have the number WITH area code, without a preceding 1, in the address book right?
Good# - 616-747-4747
Bad# - 1-616-747-4747
- 747-4747
Any luck?
Oct 17, 2007, 4:29 PM
over in the "Samsung UpStage M620" discussion:
Mp3 Player?
When I asked sprint about putting songs on my phone they said it costs 3cents a kilobyte (around $15 a song) or 15-25$ per month.
Does this mean the only way I can use my phone as an mp3 player is by paying per song (even if they're from my computer and not from the sprint store) or an extra $15-$25 +tx per month?
Is there some other way that it can be free of charge, like a regular mp3 player?
The phone comes with software and a cable specifically for uploading music from the pc to your phone.
The 3cents per Kb only applies to data transfer from the internet. For example,; downloading web pages, ring tones or images from your phone. (Do...
over in the "Samsung UpStage M620" discussion:
Music loading realllllly slow???
I have the 2 gb card installed, and only using about 1 gig. The music has to load each time i start the player, and takes about 10 to 15 secs per song to load! Can take up to 15 minutes to load 220 songs! I already returned 1 upstage because it would only load fast (3 to 5 secs for all 220 songs) on a full charge, if it went down even one bar, it would go back to being really slow again. Charged the new upstage last night, tried it out this morning and its even slower than the first one i had! So...took it back to the sprint store and they checked the card, no problem. Card loaded fine in other model samsungs, motorola, ect... Tried the card out in two other upstages and they both loaded really slow. Is anyone else having this problem? or...
Maybe it's defective? Bring it back, the guy who had it in the sprint store let me play with his and it worked flawless.
Make sure you format your card for Windows. I had the same trouble originally, but after reading about it elsewhere and reformatting the card properly (with a PC, not the phone), my music plays as it should.
Don't use the music store to use your music on your card. Go to mass storage and get into to your music form there. Completly different experience. has visuals, no loading time shuffle,repeat mode, makes a world of difference. The music store sucks! I...
what format is your music mp3?
I had the same problem when i got my 2g card. you have to redownload the updates for your phone because they are stored on teh card, once you do that the songs will not have to load every time you go to your music. (that way you dont have to go throug...
Sep 6, 2007, 5:30 AM
over in the "Samsung UpStage M620" discussion:
Videos on upstage
I have found a relatively easy way to place videos on the Upstage while converting files at the same time. This is not the only way but I thought I would share it with others who are having a hard time placing videos on their Upstage.
""You will need to Sync your Upstage with your computer before you begin""
First, video files need to be converted into 3GP format, so I found a converter to do this. The converter I use can be found at the following link
When you run the program it will ask you which language you wish to use. Once you pick the language, I'm assuming English, you will need to pick the video converter that will work for your phone. For the Upstage you need to select:
is it possible to put videos from youtube on your upstage by follwing this steps?
followed all directions exactly as written but it wont let me drag and drop the movie in that white box. Not sure what the problem is... can you help?
over in the "Samsung UpStage M620" discussion:
PCS and Logging In Errors
I have PCS on my Upstage and recently I have had problems from the date of activation logging in to my hotmail account. It gives this error:
The request was redirected and will require user data to be resubmitted. Are you sure you want to continue?
I know that this is normal however after pressing "ok" it returns to this same message repeatedly and never lets me log in. Any ideas on what is going on?
over in the "Samsung UpStage M620" discussion:
Stuck in silent mode
i got my m620 couple of days ago and yesterday it went into silent mode and i have no idea how to get out of it, ive tried everything, it says ringer is off and i cant get it on. i used the volume controls on the side of the phone and when through settings.PLZ HELP