Amp'd Shutters Doors, Puts Assets Up for Sale
Too bad they don't have SIM cards...
Creating a new national carrier out of thin air is hard, and very expensive. Both Amp'd and Helio are/were losing money hand over fist.
The difference is that Helio has corporate parents with deep pockets who got into this game expecting< ...
AMp'd is misleading customers who want to port there numbers
😛 🤤
Amp'd Canada
roflcakes. who the hell used amp'd anyways? no one.
I have prepaid service and I have $60 on the account. It would suck real bad to just lose that money.
jk but i do respect that u pay unlike every other Ampd subscriber
Telecom Neologism
"Dude, Palm is so Amp'd now that they can't even get the Foleo out on time!"
or alternately: "Sprint just cancelled me for calling in too much - I'm so ******* Amp'd!"
very nice!