HTC's myTouch 3G Hits T-Mobile Stores Today
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over in the "HTC myTouch 3G / Magic" discussion:
MyTouch Fender overheats
I purchased my Fender in May 2010. I'm now on my 4th phone replacement, 2nd SIM card, and 3rd battery. My phone overheats to 106 degrees. I know this because the phone actually tells you the temperature in the battery app. The wall charger is in transit from my cell plan carrier as it, too, overheats. I would not recommend this phone.
😢 😢 😢
over in the "HTC myTouch 3G / Magic" discussion:
Froyo for MT3G 3.5mm....
Does ANYONE know if the update will be coming to the MT3G??? If so...when?
over in the "HTC myTouch 3G / Magic" discussion:
mytouch messaging
does anyone know how to forward messages on the mytouch?
Press down on the message for a couple seconds and it will bring up options such as forward
over in the "HTC myTouch 3G / Magic" discussion:
Can someone give more information on myTouch 1.2?
It seems that the original myTouch is all that is discussed in the forums... trying to figure out whether to get this or Cliq XT because I need a headphone jack and my rooted G1 (as awesome as it is) is no longer cuttin' the mustard. Also, can anyone give an idea of the Battery life in comparison to G1?
Thanks in advance guys. 🙂
well first off, the motorola android phones for t-mobile are terrible and if i was a customer would never purchase one...IMO.
i have the original mytouch, and i wish i had the 1.2. it comes with an 8gb sd card instead of the 4 gb, comes pre-instal...
over in the "HTC myTouch 3G / Magic" discussion:
I had a update today did anyone else
yes my wife and i woke up to our mt3gs wanting us to accept an update we followed through but can tell no notacable difference i checked the firmware number in "about phone" and it is still 1.6 is that the current software for this phone? and is it ca...
over in the "HTC myTouch 3G / Magic" discussion:
is the My Touch "easier" on the battery than the G1? i found an extended battery and door for my wifes G1 on ebay i am getting a MT off Ebay but the extd batt and door for the MT is UGLY
thanks for any help
Nov 2, 2009, 12:27 AM
over in the "HTC myTouch 3G / Magic" discussion:
T-mobile - my touch
I tried the "My Touch" phone from T-Mobile for about 3 weeks - had to return it for good after the second one - The software wouldn't delete my e-mail from the trash file bin - also - it couldn't delete multiple e-mail files - you had to delete the files one at a time ! (what a major pain !) - Otherwise I loved that phone ! Wish I could have kept it ! Thanks to T-Mobile's customer service, they took it back with a full refund, no questions !!! Any update fixes from HTC in the works out there that anyone knows about ???
over in the "HTC myTouch 3G / Magic" discussion:
Voice Text Messaging application
anyone know of a good program for Voice text messaging?
over in the "HTC myTouch 3G / Magic" discussion:
My two week review
Smallest cell phone I've ever owned and also the lightest.
Some very nice applications.
Very bright display.
Does not waste battery power by lighting up the screen when you get a text.
Voice browsing with Google.
Virtual keyboard is good for one thumb texting but takes some getting used to.
Comes with a "sack" not a holder.
Instructions are on the thin side. It took me the better part of 5 minutes to open the back, for fear of breaking the just purchased phone.
Highly touted "Sherpa" has been experiencing connection issues over the past week or so.
Android market is not as broad as iPhones yet.
Rated as one of the highest radiation emitting phones.
Virtual keyboard is slow when switching orientation
Unlock pattern...
The biggest drawback on this phone is that it's a thermal touch screen. You can't use your fingernail or a stylus! The ball is too sensitive resulting in inaccurate menu selections.
over in the "HTC myTouch 3G / Magic" discussion:
Voice Text
Does anyone use voice texting with this phone? If so how? Application download?
over in the "HTC myTouch 3G / Magic" discussion:
I am thinking about purchasing this phone and I was wondering if updates and or patches to the OS and other applications can be downloaded like the Blackberry Storm. If so, are there are any charge for the updates. Thanks in advance for your help and patience.
over in the "HTC myTouch 3G / Magic" discussion:
Will this phone work on high speed in European countries??
I've called TMo 3 times and get different answers each time. Once I was even told that countries like Italy don't have any 3g/high speed....only GPRS....go figure.
If someone can chime in with info that would be great.
3g should work in europe. It has 2100 and 1700 bands for 3g. 1700 is for Tmobile usa, 2100 is europe.
over in the "HTC myTouch 3G / Magic" discussion:
Problems with ringtones
I would like to know if anyone else has had this problem. I have a different ringer for each contact but sometimes when that contacts call me the phone will default back to the default ringer that I have set. Even thought that is not the ringer set for that contact calling. The number is programed exactly like when that person calls. I was having the same issues with my g1. All of the ringer tones are ones that came with the phone. I did download an app called ringer extended so that I could use my music as ringertones. So maybe that is the problem. I did that so I would not have to manual save each song into my ringtones. Please help.
It is an occasional glitch in android. As far as I know there is no fix, but it happened to me maybe once a month, it wasn't a huge deal.
over in the "HTC myTouch 3G / Magic" discussion:
Copy & Paste or moving the cursor
Ok so I'm coming from an iPhone. Starting to hate the crazy-control Apple's doing along with AT&T customer service. So I figure to try and give the mytouch a it so far.
Have a few questions though, if anyone can chime in that would be great:
1) how do you do copy & paste if you're wanting to copy only a part of an email?
2) if you start typing something (text or email) and realize you need to go back and change a typo, how do you move the cursor to the precise area you need to correct?
🙂 🙂 🙂
Copy and paste is very easy but slightly limited. You can only copy and paste from the browser, text messages and from text entry fields. For example, if you want to copy a text message, long press on the message and select copy, it will copy the en...
over in the "HTC myTouch 3G / Magic" discussion:
I wish reviewers would....
And stop comparing stupid things like faceplates and number of contacts, as if that is somehow a pro or con. Why not compare important things, like reception and the ability to install 3rd party JAVA applications, two things the iPhone fails MISERABLY at. Probably because realistically, that would make the iPhone fail hard against almost every WCDMA phone on the market. How inconvenient. Let's face it: the iPhone was a good idea for an mp3 player but it fails terribly as a phone. It's nice to know that after 2 years, it finally has MMS, video messaging and copy/paste, though. It's good to see Apple has finally included features even Motorola had on all their phones over 4 years a...
AMEN!! I'm sick of seeing reviews by people who haven't even touched the phone they are "reviewing"! Crazy apple cult nut jobs. I own the iPhone and like it... But its soo damn obnoxious when every other touch screen review is some bs apple iPhone fr...
It's just as annoying when you give a phone a low rating because T-Mobile's network isn't very good. It's common knowledge T-Mobile's national coverage is lacking compared to some of the larger players. You can't blame a device because you can't get...
I have to agree with you 100% 🙂
Just Left
Sorry Tmobile I just left can have all the Android and touchscreens you want. I can no longer take the dropped calls...
ps Im in the Philadelphia area!!! Complete with 3G and the like so I dont want to hear it folks!!!
I'm sorry to hear that. Have fun paying a higher bill each month! Thank you for calling! 🙂
So what do the release of a new phone have to do with you not liking t-mobile? If your going to talk about something stay on topic. PS I live in lindenwold and my service is great haven't had a drop call in a long time and by the way that is still the...
hey whats your phone number? so i can get you to join sprint and still save your money. 😈
we can port in your number also no problem..
OT: yeah its a great looking phone ! 😛
Huh. I'm always in Philly, and never have T Mobile issues. Bummer for you.
Resistance is futile
Lots of people are hating on android but I notice it is everyone from other carriers who dont have android yet. Just wait until android is realeased on all carriers and you guys will change your attitude. Android will be the dominant OS within 2 years.
no keyboard, no problem!
I didn't honestly like using the keyboard on my G1, it was super akward, the onscreen keyboard was equally annoying. at first I could tolerate it, but it just never did the job.
With that being said, I love the android operating system. It's not quite as refined as OSX on the iPhone, but it has done a really good job compared to blackberry and winmo.
So I picked up my new MyTouch (the name!wtf t-mobile? I feel like a pedophile telling people I got the "MyTouch")
The on-screen keyboard is amazing! I have had no issued with it whatsoever. It's not quite an iPhone keyboard ...yet... but it's pretty damn nice and a hell of a lot better than the physical keyboard on the G1.
I know it's the same on-screen keyboard people! don't go ...
over in the "HTC myTouch 3G / Magic" discussion:
Thinking Of Getting One
Currently with the iPhone 3G, thinking of going and getting one on the 5th. I have a G1 collecting dust; how is the keyboard and the usability? I have the keyboard as I upgraded the G1 to Android 1.5 before I deactivated it back in June, and it's not too bad. Thoughts?
the on screen keyboard is very sensitive and if you leave prediction on it likes to change words on you even though you spelled what you wanted correctly, very tricky, but there is a thread on tmobile's mytouch forum and it has a link so you can insta...
Its a great phone and looks really nice, smaller than the iphone. As for the keyboard the default one is nice but I've been using Better Keyboard from the market. Its $2.99 but you can use customized skins and is a little larger than the default one...
over in the "HTC myTouch 3G / Magic" discussion:
So i've installed the Sherpa application on my MyTouch and really didn't find it as impressive as it was made it out to be during pre-launch, anyone else feel the same way?
I hear it also runs very least according to the reviews in the Market.