David Pogue called VZW's BS.
Is there any doubt Verizon Wireless is the worst provider in the country? They not only get called on these $2.00 charges, but then DENY it only to have the New York Times columnist call them on it.
VZW is not the worst provider in the country by any means. The NYT is like any other media format, they fabricate stories to their objective. While they may not have created this story, I imagine the real story is much different than what the media is...
Vzn is running their company as if nobody is a threat to them. They need more competion.
As much progress as Tmo has made with 3 Android devices + these unlimited plans they STILL only have 34m customers.
I just feel Vzn needs more competion.
Well... the Blue Dog is on top of things once again. Imagine that. Verizon Wireless denying the charges are valid and then being "called on it" by a journalist. Ok, I'll drink the blue cool-aid: This must make VZW the worst wireless provider. Exc...
Office Space Scheme! Might be some merit to this......Personal Experience
My Moto Q9 strangely uses anywhere from 50 to 100 kilobytes of data every month that Verizon charges me .015 for each KB. I never open the browser and yet this still happens. I've called Verizon and they say they have no idea why this happens, if I am in fact not using the browser, or that maybe my phone does that because it's trying to find signal?! 😳 And if I turn data off, no more pics and videos can be sent or received. Can't do that.
I don't blame the operators, but somebody in that company knows whats going on, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was a scheme to bilk some loose change out of people, which would add up to A LOT multiplied by millions of customers. Or perhaps certain devices accidentally do this and Verizon knows,...
uhhh... your whole complaint is why data is required on a smart phone...
if you don't wanna pay the data then get a reqular phone... you can actually do more with it (like sending mms)
You have a smartphone. Smartphones use data that's what's going on
You probably have the phone set to automatically check for updates (its a default setting on the Q series. If you dont go into the phone and turn something off, the phone will do data transfers on its own on a regular basis.
Motorola fully support...
Your data charges are for pix/vids. MMS on a smartphone without a plan still uses data and the charge is valid. You should either switch to a GIN phone or add a data plan to avoid these charges.
I agree, why purchase a smartphone at a higher price point with all the added features and then complain that you have to put a data plan on it. Why have it in the first place? They are simple flips with good mp cameras and no data package required ...
Feb 26, 2010, 4:41 PM
Congratulations now everyone has to pay.
It is because of these allegations that Verizon is now charging the mandatory 9.99 data packages. People were "accidentally" using data features. I hope you enjoy your 1.99 back, because now to even have the better phones it is gonna cost you at least 9.99 a month.
Most likely that will happen. Then all carriers will do the same because it will be a huge money maker. Only in America!
I don't understand why people are making such a big deal over $1.99 a month. When you add up rent or mortgage, utilities, insurance, groceries, entertainment and other bills, $1.99 a month is pocket change!
yes.. about people "accidentally" using data.. let me tell you a story of what happened to me. I am a VZW employee, I know how the systems work. I added a line to my employee account for my mother, the day I got the phone I went over to her house on m...
Very true. Usually when you get pushed (lawsuits) you tend to push back harder (9.99 required data packages). I liked it better when it was optional, but I think the combo of 25mb of data and mobile email is still a good value, at least for someone l...
What do you think the result will be??????
Because here is what I think will happen...They will give an accessory for X% off or a onetime 10 to 15 dollar credit. I used to work for a wireless company that had a Class Action Lawsuit filed against it for "over charging" for minutes. What do you guys think will come of this.
The result has already come, its called enhanced multimedia phones and the $9.99 data package. You cant complain about a $1.99 charge if youre paying a $9.99 charge that comes along with your device selection. And other carrieers are following suit bu...
if the FCC pushes too hard?
Customer goes to sign up for a phone. They are asked about data. They either choose a plan or have it blocked. Period.
My thoughts on the data charge fiasco
It's not a mysterious charge that is just tacked onto a monthly billing statement. In fact, the charges that show up are valid charges based on the consumer agreement one signs when signing up for service. Here's the problem... most consumers are most likely not asking the right questions and most company representatives (like with any major corporation) are not answering the unasked questions.
So how do you get a $1.99 MB charge on your bill?
- Browse the web past the VZW homepage on the phone's web browser
- Download backup assistance (yes... the program is free but charges for data downloads are not). This very well may be changing so if you've learned it's something different now, my info here is prior to that.
- Application updat...
Yup, they are no different. The problem VZW is having is people are picking on it because it's huge and successful. The idea is why not chase down the big and bad billion dollar companies and try to find every little loop to try and sue them. That's h...
For those claiming the suit has no merit
As a VZW employee I can tell you it does, many of us are glad these type of things happen because having to spend a large sum on money on a lawsuit is one of the few things that will get VZW to fix problems.
The Megabyte billing has been a problem since it launched, our internal idea process is flooded with reps giving ideas of how to fix the problem and cut down on the constant calls about it (of course instead the company just picked to make a data plan required...)
Because of this suit VZW is going to have to change something to make sure only legitimate uses of the services get billed to customers, it something that should have been common sense and in place from the begining, but the people that make decisions in VZW only think ab...
If you really are an employee obviously you are a disgruntled one! I obviously do not know what happened to make you dislike the company that makes it possible for you to pay your bills and live but maybe you ought to look for employment else where. ...
You said you were a Verizon Wireless employee. May I ask- Have you EVER seen these data charges on ANY of your bills? Just curious.
Gosh!!! A whopping !!$2!! per mb!
$2/mb is more greedy that the
$2.50 that I paid for a fax recently @ Kinko's. In this day and age a measly mb should be like .10 cents.
Yep, greedy acc Vzn definetly needs more competition. That's the problem, they feel nokody is a threat to them.
2mb was actually one of the cheapest rates in the country for awhile. ATT used to be over $10
Good luck....making a smarter phone does not make users less dumb
I don't remember one instance where I, or anyone else for that matter, was accidentally charged for data traffic. The only times we got screwed was when our kids got a hold of our phones, it was our fault and we paid for it..
Do not buy a smartphone period if you have no intention of using data.
If you do buy one, then it is mandatory to have one included on your plan.
Don't say your dogs paw accidentally navigated to woof-woof.com and it was not your fault. Phones don't...
I don't know about Verizon, but a lot of other carriers insist that phone manufacturers put a permanent shortcut to the web on phone's home screen. Some Samsungs actually replace the center menu button with a web shortcut. You don't have to be dumb ...