May 12, 2010, 1:54 PM
And Sprint Users are still being shat on.
Seriously WTF. I've had my Hero for 3 months now and for 3 months I've been ****teased by rumors and leaks and "non-sanctioned" ROMS. Sprint you suck donkey nuts. I really think the line about HTC not releasing the firmware is total horseshit. The only reason they haven't released 2.1 for the Moment and the Hero is either they can't get their ****ty Sprint apps to work with 2.1 with out crashing or they are trying to bank on people buying the Evo 4G. Well you know what Sprint. F U. Because if i could i would uninstall all your crappy apps. Who the hell cares about NASCAR updates any way. Dumb rednecks who watch cars turn left wouldn't be able to figure out an android phone anyway. I'm pissed now i'm going to root my phone and instal...
Should have rooted in the first place.
You should widen your horizons with Verizon 🙂 .
So the fact that if you have a Hero you can't upgrade to the Evo because it hasn't even been a year...
Everyone is just inpatient and annoying..
Just saying
Take a chill pill. It will be here soon enough. I would rather them delay then give us a crap 2.1 update with many flaws. Does having 2.1 or 1.5 really make all the difference in what you can do with your phone? I know there are fixes and live wallpap...
Would you like some cheese with your whine? You had 30 day to return the Hero if you didn't like it the way it was when you purchased it. I've had my Hero since September and you don't hear me crying like a woman. 2.1 isn't going to even drastically c...
everyone knows where it is, it works fine. there are some bugs that sprint would not think are acceptable.
1. "Just Charge" thru USB doesnt work
2. issues with incoming calls
3. bookmarks dont sort properly
4. etc etc etc
give them a chance ...