The only law should be a one liner repealing all existing telecom laws.
How about using existing contract law and fraud law just like everything else and let the customers and businesses decided for themselves?
Oh I'm sorry, that would make too much sense.
Yes that makes perfect sense if you want to abdicate your own voting power to ensure that you will be charged more for poorer services.
You, obviously, think that WIRELESS is the only form of telecommunications.
The cellular space needs less regulation because it is still extremely competitive. Cable and wire-line organizations, on the other hand, would quickly consolidate into reg...
May 25, 2010, 2:35 PM
I'm all for net neutrality, but the more regulation we pour into an industry the less room we leave for capitalism. Perhaps we simply need to loosen the laws to end some of the issues relating to telecom. For example, Comcast is able to throttle back data speeds because cable companies have local monopolies virtually everywhere, which are awarded by the government. If we end that monopoly Comcast would have to compete directly with other cable companies, and not just satellite and DSL, for market share. Therefore, if a company offered unlimited speeds based on what they could provide you would be able to leave comcast. Economically speaking this would improve market conditions for consumers.
Someone with a brain!!!!! 😲 😲 😲 😲
Beware, speaking with intelligence will get you banned from around here!!!! 🙄
Wrong!!! Comcast got caught throttling down the up and down speeds because of the lack of regulation. No regulation at all will allow companies to do want they want with little recourse, case in point BP and WALL STREET FIRMS hello. The regulation sho...
There are some areas that have too much regulation. Currently, the wireless industry does not have enough. Most individuals that work in and around the industry, feel that because it is a private sector, Government has no place in its matters. While ...
You got that right. End the cable monopolies! That's some antiquated BS right there.
More competition is ALWAYS good.
The 1996 Act has long been in need of revision.
I think it's so cute that the industry doesn't want to be regulated. Really? You'd like to just do any old thing you want, eh? You'd like to just abuse your customers left and right, without anyone to answer to?
Can't be for law & order and against government regulation at the same time. Unless, of course, you don't mind being labeled a hypocrite.
you're right on the money, retrocool. i too think it's time for some changes in the telecom industry. for example why is it ok for the pharmaceutical industry to be regulated by the FDA but the FCC cant regulate the telecom company and shove a leash u...
Once again, we meet. 😈
I do also believe that a company should compete and make sure they arent "price fixing"
Now this FCC should not be involved in much more other then that. Make sure the antenna's aren't giving people brain cancer a...
Entertaining at the least
It will be fun to watch Congress try to force another 5000 page bill down our throats while saying "We don't need to read it, we just need to pass it, in order to survive!!" /sarcasm
I hope that Missouri's senators are smart enough to put something in there saying "Citizens living in Missouri will not have a cellphone bill for 10 years".
In all reality though, since I work for a living I am pretty sure I am going to get screwed by this.
Oh come on now! You know that government is only here to help us 🙄 😉