Fring Update Brings Video Chat Between iPhone and Android
Article said:
The new version of Fring for the iPhone is free
Right in the article...
AT&T Planned for this to happen
The loyal iphone fans probably dont have to worry because they already have unlimited plans, but once video calling hits the mainstream audience, people are going to want the iphone and that's when AT&T will strike. Their like a rattlesnake that tempts you with the rattle of the iphone 4 and when you are dumb enough to come close for a nibble....BAM!!! you are caught in the clutches of their 2...
I, for one, am setting up my second iPhone 4 add-a-line for my girl with the $15.00 data plan since she uses wi-fi at work and at home. It's going to keep m...
From the facetime announcement, it seemed that Steve was pushing facetime as a codec for other platforms to use, not as the API tha...
Fring has decent compression, and since video chat has been available worldwide for years now, they've had a lot of time seeing what codecs worked and which didn't.
Also they are working on a plan to allow your data connection to work...
Too glitchy to take off
bluecoyote said:...
Although I'm glad to see video calling over 3G, the truth of the matter is Fring is utter crap. Android users may have standards low enough for Fring, but it's less hassle to find a WiFi hotspot and Facetime the ca
And it's not "easier to just find wifi for facetime" because atm, the only thing supporting facetime is the iphone4.
Fring, and s...
"This changes everything, again"
Now that we've gotten that out of the way...
How awesome is it that Apple has made FaceTime with an open source code??????????
Let the Video Chat Application wars begin!
Hopefully we can all recommend the best apps to each other and work toward the goal of mass-productivity rather than battle over who's OS is the best.
again, they released a new code, and expect everyone else to adopt it. Facetime is nice, but other than the fact that it's built into the OS, there's nothing that shows it...