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T-Mobile Rebrands HSPA+ as '4G', Says Its 4G Network Is the Nation's Largest

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Nov 2, 2010, 10:41 PM

I Will Give It Two Months...

...Then we will see the lawsuits coming in. The UTI claims LTE and WiMAX shouldn't be deemed 4G because the speeds are not yet reached by 4G standards. Tmo jumps on the opportunity to take advantage of this recent announcement.

Unfortunately, the UTI is incorrect. 4G is based on more than just speed. It is designed on many more variables that make up a 4G standard in which the telecommunications will be handled. HSPA+ will begin to short change unsuspecting consumers with this false advertising once the true relevance of 4G takes form in the next year.

John B.
The other carriers are spending a great deal of dollars on 4G technology. I am quite sure they are not going to let Tmo get away with confusing the consumer even more with terms not yet recognized by subscribers.

John B.
Slammer said:
...Then we will see the lawsuits coming in. The UTI claims LTE and WiMAX shouldn't be deemed 4G because the speeds are not yet reached by 4G standards. Tmo jumps on the opportunity to take advantage of this recent ann
Speed is all I care about!

Nov 2, 2010, 10:52 PM

Wow This is fail!!!

tmobile has lost all credibility with the false statement ๐Ÿ˜ฒ They do not have 4g they have hspa+ which is 3g ๐Ÿ˜ณ They have the worst network out of the big 4. Terrible coverage on voice and data, and a very small 3g network let alone 4g. This has to be a joke! ๐Ÿคฃ Sprint still has the fastest 4g network and the best plans and pricing. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
Have you seen HSPA+ in action? I am guessing not. With the My touch 4g you can teather your device (using Wi-Fi I might add) View a television show on hulu, open a second browser and surf the web, then take a call from a friend, all at the same time...
DiamondPro said:
tmobile has lost all credibility with the false statement ๐Ÿ˜ฒ They do not have 4g they have hspa+ which is 3g ๐Ÿ˜ณ They have the worst network out of the big 4. Terrible coverage on voice and data, and a very small 3g
DiamondPro said:
tmobile has lost all credibility with the false statement ๐Ÿ˜ฒ They do not have 4g they have hspa+ which is 3g ๐Ÿ˜ณ They have the worst network out of the big 4. Terrible coverage on voice and data, and a very small 3g
Smallest 3G footprint? Did you even read the article in it's entirety? T-Mobile said their HSPA+ network will cover ---200m-- by years end, as in more than half the country, and they have
---75--- markets covered with HSPA+, here I will translate th...


Sounds like Humpty Dumpty from "Through the Looking Glass".
"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean"

Nov 3, 2010, 2:42 PM

You can call your cat your dog, but its still your cat

What is T-Mobile thinking? They can't just make stuff up and call it the truth. Lets face it, this is upgraded 3rd generation technology, not 4th generation. Therefore not 4G. Customers are stupid though, and they may gain some subscribers due to this marketing ploy.
True there are way faster hspa+ networks overseas! Im talking 42mbs but are they advertising it as 4g? No! Because they understand the technology much better then teen-mobile-usa. Hspa+ is 3g tech Wimax is 4g tech and the next release will blow everyt...
KMFS1 said:
What is T-Mobile thinking? They can't just make stuff up and call it the truth.

Clearwire did. It worked wonders for them.

Nov 3, 2010, 4:51 PM

T-Mobile Rebrands HSPA+ as '3.9', Says Its 3.9G Network Is the Nation's Largest

T-Mobile today announced plans to move forward with marketing its HSPA+ network as "3.9G". T-Mobile will launch a national advertising campaign, which will appear on TV networks and cable TV stations, including ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC and TNT, and on websites, including AOL, MSN, and Amazon.com. The message will brand T-Mobile's HSPA+ network as "America's Largest 3.9G Network." According to T-Mobile representatives that spoke to Phone Scoop, the company feels that the real-world peak and real-world average download speeds, which it claims are 12Mbps and 5Mbps, respectively, handily beat the speeds offered by Sprint's WiMax network and Verizon's forthcoming LTE network. T-Mobile believes the speed and capacity of its HSPA+ network gives it the gr...

Nov 3, 2010, 10:13 AM

LOL T-Mobile

I really didn't expect T-Mo to play word games.

So they say "We have 4G* Internet"

What they don't say is "We have 4G Internet"

Can you spot the difference?
You know, ever since summer of '98 when Mcgwire and Sosa were chasing the homerun record. People have enjoyed their use of astricks.

Nov 3, 2010, 12:07 AM

What happened to truth in advertising?

This doesn't just go for Tmo, all of the carriers that are calling their networks 4G when they're technically, not yet at least. Sprint, Verizon and At&t all eventually will get there when they get to the next evolution of LTE and Wimax.
But thats the point teen-mobile will not! They are already on hspa+ wait till Sprint jumps on Wimax 2 its bye bye teen-mobile with your faux 4g network and by then they will start rolling out the lawsuits to poor t-mobile. They may wanna switch back t...

Nov 3, 2010, 3:16 PM


You have called the bluff of the Big Boys. Nice job on the poker face.

Let the games begin. Hopefully the games can remain on the open market, and not be confined to an FTC hearing.

Nov 3, 2010, 10:48 AM

Cut the BS, T-Mobile!

It's fine to advertise that your network is faster, show the difference in speed, and promote that. But calling your 3G technology "4G" is a bald faced lie! Cut the BS, tell the truth, and work on improving your service, T-Mobile! Concentrate on coverage and speed, not buzzwords!
Sprint and T-Mobile are going to get sued...I can tell you that right now. They are advertising their networks as 4G when neither one meet the 4G requirements. Someone will take them to court for lying to consumers just like they tried to sue AT&T bec...

Nov 3, 2010, 2:35 AM

Initial thoughts on this news

Here are my initial thoughts on this news

1. I feel slightly uneasy about the 4G tag because it isnt under technical terms. However, for all of those who are saying/thinking lawsuits, this has been cleared legally. So I dont think that will be an issue.

2.Even if it isnt technical 4G, it is providing similar (in some cases greater) speeds than Sprint's WIMAX and what Verizon estimates their LTE will initially put out. So from that point of view, from a customers' experience, it is providing "4G speeds".

https://www.phonescoop.com/articles/article.php?a=376 »

3. I will be flat out frank. It is stupid to say "Well wait till we get such and such. It will blow T-Mobile away." Well anyone could say that; even T-Mobile can say that ...
Agreed. Perfectly said.
While can agree with some of your post, I cannot agree with all of it.

Your #4 point is the one that I truly cannot agree with.

A group sets a standard to reach by initiating certain criteria. This standard is drawn and the building process begi...
I agree with your post. People negate the fact that carriers are giving them better quality services everyday and this is simply another step forward in that latter. Its ironic that the two least expensive carriers of the big 4 are the ones rolling o...
T-Mobile sucks!!!!

Nov 2, 2010, 8:16 PM

This will make a difference

For the haters, this will change the game, and it is affordable too!
Anything to put an end to AT&T and Verizon's dominace over the market is great for us. I like Tmobile and Sprint, they deliver great service and customer support. Something that both AT&T and Verizon both lack.

Nov 3, 2010, 11:32 AM

What about AT&T's HSPA+?

Does that mean AT&T also has 4G? And doesn't AT&T have a bigger HSPA+ footprint then TMobile? Also does that mean the IPhone 3GS really works on 4G? ๐Ÿ™‚
They can if theyd like, Seeing they say they have the nations fastest 3g network and they clearly dont, oh and also that old slogan about the nations least dropped calls yup...Carriers do this all the time and I guess T-mobile got tired of being the g...
To my knowledge, ATT currently has HSPA+ with 7.2 mbps as max, not 21 mbps like T-Mobile (Now they may be launching 14 mbps, but I do not know, due to not following them so closely). Therefore, it is not offering the "4G like speeds" that WIMAX is cu...

Nov 2, 2010, 10:05 PM

Who cares what they call it...

Just me high speed internet, low pings, no caps and great coverage!

Very happy T-Mo subscriber here. I get 5Mbps here in NYC with my Samsung Vibrant. My friends with the iPhone 4 are jealous! Imagine if I had the G2.
im gonna save up and get a MyTouch 4Gรƒโ€šร‚ยฎ ๐Ÿ˜Ž
Just curious, what is the ping like?
A Rock is a better Celluar Device then the iPhone 4, of course they are jealous

Nov 3, 2010, 12:01 PM

Who can blame them? T-Mobile has the NEW "4G"

Who can really blame T-Mobile for calling their 3.5G network 4G when that is exactly what everyone else is doing?

Everyone is calling it whatever they want right now. Assigning a name to your network at this point is free game.

They have a damn good marketing campaign.

Nov 3, 2010, 11:04 AM

Consumers are ignorant enough for it to work

The masses only look at headlines and don't go any deeper. ie people are always talking about the "4G" iPhone. A good percentage of marketing is just plain BS and anyone who has a clue knows this. The unfortunate thing is the masses for the most part don't have a clue and the corporations know this.

Nov 2, 2010, 9:04 PM

Pretty Cool

T-Mobile has obviously been paying attention to Verizon and its marketing. I think it is awesome! ๐Ÿคฃ
Eh.. it's going to create more confusion than anything.

HSPA+ is faster than current wimax, but real world speeds (5mbps) will be the low end of real world speeds for LTE, but the real jump for LTE is Ping, which will drop to "realtime" which is 3...

Nov 3, 2010, 8:51 AM

The reason behind "4G"

The G means Generation. So technically, whether they want to call it 4G or whatever, as long as it matches their rollout whenever everyone else throws down their "G"'s, they're not technically lying.

It's just a cheap move.
Really all consumers care about it speed. And it seems like the next 2 yrs are going to be very, very exciting, with network operators doing more, and more upgrades, to be higher, and higher speeds.

It's a good time to be a patient consumer with re...

Nov 3, 2010, 7:42 AM

The big picture...

As of right now, T-Mobile has a compelling product. This, in my opinion, is a very good thing. T-Mobile has been advertising it's pricing... and when you do that, you don't have a product to sell. While this isn't a game changer, it is definitely a game initiator. Hopefully, this will push Sprint, Verizon, AT&T, and regional carriers to roll-out their high-speed products faster, which helps all customers.

Now, I want to add a few things to this.

First, the claim of, "..., the company feels that the real-world peak and real-world average download speeds, which it claims are 12Mbps and 5Mbps, respectively, handily beat the speeds offered by Sprint's WiMax network and Verizon's forthcoming LTE network." has some serious flaws. LTE ha...
Mr. Scary

Nov 2, 2010, 10:49 PM

They lie.....they lie, and we must be merciful

Those nabobs.
T-mobile has become the apple of the cell phone carriers. No actually I take that back. Not even Apple would do this to customers which is why they call it the Iphone 4 not Iphone 4g. Wow I never thought another company could make Apple look so good! ...

Nov 2, 2010, 8:45 PM

Yay for buzzwords

As soon as 4G starts to become a household word that consumers relate to "better", T-Mobile jumps on the bandwagon.

Everyone claiming 4G is guilty of it, and it sucks that we don't truly get to experience the 4G revolution. Instead carriers will choose the half-assed route while data speeds continue to be a minuscule fraction of their potential.

At this rate, once everyone offers 4G, we'll see 5G before 4G even reaches half it's theoretical potential.
Doctors have discovered that the average person does not black out until they reach 4G or 5G. Looks like we are going to have a lot of cleaning up to do unless carriers start selling pressurized dummy suits with the phones.
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