It Kinda Bothers Me
That everyone seems to be eating this up hook, line and sinker (I for one am not) what appears to be a smear campaign against Android all of a sudden to make it seem far less viable an option in choosing your operating system. They all have a diverse array of vulnerabilities in regards to the compromising of cellular data... this is neither new, nor did Android make claim to being the OS where that could never happen. THEREFORE RICH, ITS NOT AT ALL NEWSWORTHY. A bug in China? Really?? SMH... Long Standing Bug.... NOT NEW. I would prefer that you posted no stories at all than posting garbage in the absence of news, it makes you all the less credible a source of technology information, whether its true garbage or not (and I in no way mean ...
You do realize that both these news article that your talking about have been posted by every other major phone site like engadget and androidcentral? PS is actually one of the best when it only comes to posting legitimate news. ๐
I love my droid but this is an issue. It keeps happening to my brother. Multiple phones and still not resolved. I thought he was nuts but it keeps happening and I then I witnessed it.
We make a serious effort to maintain a consistent threshold for news. It's never going to match up 100% with everyone else's idea of what we should cover, but nonetheless we do try very hard to avoid the news that we consider fluff or a waste o...
Every system has flaws. Hook a password protected iPhone up to an Ubuntu-powered PC (probably any linux distro will do) and watch as the PC mounts the device and gives you access to any documents or photos stored on it. Major, massive, garage-sized ...
Please correct me if I'm wrong... BUT:
Neither Google, or anyone else (myselfe included) can actually reproduce this "bug" at all.
The reports of this bug are few and far between and ALWAYS come with the admission that is could possibly be a user error and nothing more. It seems that everyone who has this issue is rapidly texting multiple people at the same time and switching back and forth between conversations.
Was ANYONE able to verify (honestly verify) this bug?
Can ANYONE tell me how to reproduce it? I have four Android phones at my house I'd can try it on and seven Android demo phones at work as well as an Android phone I carry on my person at all times. I've never had this problem.
There apparently is a bug, but no one knows how to reproduce it at all. (and yes, it seems only to show up with people switching quickly)
But they can't get it to reliably occur, so there is no way to find out HOW to fix it.
Engadget and all t...
A bug that can not be reproduced is most likely user error. I have used android since the G1 and work for T-Mobile and have never heard even a single first hand report of this.
I have the original Moto Droid and it's happened to me a few times. I now use Handcent instead of the stock messenger and have not had this happen to me since. Handcent is so much better than the stock one, so it's a great solution.
this has definently happened to me before, quite a few times. it was around the times when the moto droid was calling people on its own. i sell phone, it was NOT a user error.
Anyone know?
If this bug also effects incoming texts? Every once in a while I get a text and my phone says it is from the wrong person (I can usually tell by the signature or what they say,) if I reply to the text I reply to the person who my phone says that it came from not the one who actually sent it. I have never had the problem of my texts sending to the wrong person, only if I try to reply to a text that comes in as the wrong person. This happens most often when someone leaves a callback number when leaving a voice mail which then comes in as a text. It does happen from time to time with regular texts as well though.
By the way I have the Eris on Verizon.
That happened to me all the time, usually when I had a lot running on the phone, but not always.
MyTouch 4G?
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2011!
i just got this phone yesterday so does anyone know if this device is affected by this bug. come on google, pick up the pace. ๐คญ
I haven't heard anything about that issue with the mt4g.
The bug affects EVERY Android phone, no matter the manufacturer or software version. But, as others have pointed out, its next to impossible to reproduce. And if you use a different SMS app (Handcent is really good), it doesnt happen.
Default messaging app?
Is the problem there? I haven't experienced it if so. Is it with Google Voice? If you use a third party text msging app like handsent; is there still a problem?
it's the default messaging app, I saw this posted on a forum that I go to, and people have said it has happened to their stock EVO, but people also have caught it before sending the message as they originally selected 'Dave", and in the box it shows "...
It's with the stock messaging app. I've experienced it from time to time. I've been using Handcent for about a month now and have not experienced the same issues. As a matter of fact, I hadn't experienced the issue with the stock app for several month...
Dec 31, 2010, 8:13 PM
Isn't It Curious .....
... how this news starts to circulate all over the intnet right before Verizon releases the iPhone?
Except that Verizon is only one of many carriers across the globe that sell Android phones.
since 2006?
Please, tell me what makes these newest leaks any more reliable than previous ones.
Remember that the SAME sources pointing for 2011 release said verizon was the launch partner for the ipad and would get the iphone 4 last June.