My parents are decided that they want to change from Sprint.......Only problem is is that from Oct. 3rd mommy entered into another contract for a year....
Is there anyway she could get out of it by paying less than the $150.00 termination OR just get out of it period???!!! What are the options.....I know it supposed to hold firm but like anything there are ways around it...
Tanx 😕
Nope you are screwed. Sprint sucks. 👿
One time I recall someone posted the same thing, I thought it was big poppa and it was an answer that you can buy them out for a lower amount than the $150.00. Does anyone remember this post?? 😳
Well I guess it would still be cheaper than the 35.00 for 12 months.
but if anyone remembers the post or knows what I am referring to please post.....thank you. 😢
I believe what he said was to call in to sprint and ask them to put your plan on a month to month plan for $10 a month, basically a plan without a contract, wait a few days and call to cancel. I have never tried this and am not guaranteeing it to work, in fact, i doubt it will, but you are welcome to try it.
Nov 10, 2003, 2:46 PM
No, you cannot switch from a contract plan to a month to month plan, they will charge you an ETF (early termination fee.) Sorry, won't work. And whoever says Sprint Sucks must not have ever had Sprint, or they live in BFE and are not within anyone's coverage area.
sprint sucks, sprint sucks, sprint sucks. I've had sprint for the last 4 years and i am well within their coverage area. try downtown Kansas City. Dropped calls left and right, over charges for no reason. The only thing tyeing me to them is the damn contract, (which i know of ways to get out of) and the fact that all my damn friends and family have sprint. So if you didn't read me the first three times SPRINT SUCKS. 👿 😈 👿
Sprint is fine were I live.. Never had a problem.. So they don't suck here.
Just pay the $150 and get out of the contract.. easiest thing you can do. Hoever I would wait till after LNP go in effect on Nov 24 so you can take your number with you.
Do you think that we will see a national unlimited plan (for a reasonable price) with any of the carriers post 11/24?
Yeah... No luck with getting the ETF waived. Especially now with the porting coming around the corner. Every provider will try to hold on to every customer they have and will most certainly charge the ETF.