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RL-7300 Is here!!
Why not spend alittle more and get the 4500? Especially if you're a new customer. The 7300 does seem promising.
Simply because I want the durability, the speaker phone, SMS, and I don't want a camera because of the extra $100. If it was only $30 or $40 more for the camera then it would be interesting but $100 really isn't worth it for a camera that isn't even a 1 megapixel or better camera. Also I am not a new customer. Currently I have the 4900 but it's length on my hip has become annoying and I cracked the face the first week I got it last spring so I figured when I heard this phone was coming out I would check it out and possibly give it a try. I have always had a candy bar phone so this would be my first leap of faith with a flip phone. Been a little concerned about flip phones and durability but lately it seems most people don't comment on t...
That's cool I totally agree with you, if a camera doesn't suit your needs then why pay for it. I've finally seen the 7300 and suprisingly I find it just as durable a phone that say for instance a Nextel i730. I suggested the vm4500 because I feel it is the total package...speakerphone, readylink, vision-enabled, video clips, and of course the camera. It seem unjustly that a new customer can get the 4500 for $229 and a faithful existing customer has to pay retail for it...unless they qualify for an upgrade. I deal with this alot and I feel your are making an excellent choice. I've been doing cell phones for about 8 years...and find that Sanyo is very much a quality standard. The fact that they launched several clamshell phones with all the op...
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