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Is it true that sprint has free web ?
Is it true that sprint has free web ? to use on all there phones. Becouse some of my friends said yes
you pay 15.00 then yiu get a 10.00 credit towrds purchases on line for games and stuff; don't buy it stands as a credit, almost free.
you can get free web with sprint. if you are on a plan with 2000 mins or more you get vision for free on the first phone and it is only 5$ to put it on an additional line
On plans 2000 min or more the second line to share is free...but it's $5 to add pcs vision, the $100 plan has great perks, free ready link with vision pictures pack and again free second line to share min, just $5 for vision.
I just got the new Tosiba VM4050. As far as the web goes, I got the first 2 months free. I'm located in the Detroit market. I'm debating wheather or not to keep it.
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