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RL-7300 vs VM-4500 battery life, etc.
I'm new to the site--lots of good info. I'm contemplating a replacement for my Sanyo 4900, and have been very happy with Sanyo's quality--the 4900 is my third Sanyo. I'd love the VM-4500, but it's a bit rich for my budget. I'd rather have the camera than the Ready-Link (since I have no one to play with on Ready-Link), but the RL-7300 seems a more attractive phone to me than the RL-2500 (and seems better reviewed). But why is the battery life so short on the RL-7300?
Any recommendations? Thanks!
The battery life is going to be shorter with any ready link phone than it would be otherwise. Because ready link makes a constant connection with towers it wears your battery down over twice as fast. BUT!!! If you don't intend to use the ready link keep it disabled your battery life will be stellar.
Thanks for the reply. I guess I'd follow that advice and keep the ready link disabled, since I don't yet know anyone else with a ready link phone!
I really like the rugged styling of the RL-7300, and only wish it came with a camera and without the ready link. Sanyo makes, and Sprint offers, just such phones, but I feel like I ought to get the very latest generation of phone available. Their other camera phones are of the same generation as my 4900. The VM-4500 does it all, of course, and maybe I'll just have to bite the bullet and pay what they're asking.
My contract with Sprint is up now, and I got an AT&T GSM phone a couple weeks back for a trial, but after 10 days I returned it due to worse reception and higher cost for the same...
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