Info & Phones
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Is there a "best phone"
i often go online to see the top 5 or 10 phones usually cnet has a rather unbiased listing of various types/models/manufacturers etc...The obvious of what carrier/what "genre" of phone or weather you are looking at rugged/blackberry or smart phone can make this answer vary in a multitude of ways but cmon...i feel i am a cell phone nerd (addicted) i have to try every model i have to have every new phone that comes out and i have 5 on my acct. Now i know when i say im a cell phone nerd/geek whatever there are probably a million folks twice as geeked out over phones but i feel i have a good grasp on the type of phone for what purposes and for what reasons certain phones are the best but is there ONE ... just one ultimate from past to present t...
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