![Virgin Mobile](/img/c/10_120x40.jpg)
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Anyone else having texting problems??
I have the rumor2. I bought it Monday night and ported it in from an ATT contract account. It only took an hour and I was very happy. My phone worked great Monday @ 7PM when I activated it, until Tuesday, late morning around 11AM. Since then, I am getting no text messages, but people are still getting the ones I send them. I called customer service lastnight and they told me that the network is working and fine, and that my friends my not have really sent me a text. WTF? I watched them send me a text. Anyone else having this problem?
I don't have the Rumor2, but I have read online that it is experiencing software problems, not just with Virgin but other carriers as well. I have the X-tc with Virgin, and while it doesn't have every bell and whistle, it is extremely reliable and a workhouse. And I have NEVER had an issue with the Virgin Mobile network itself. Been with Virgin almost two years now. Calls and texts always go through, never missed or dropped. So my guess is that it may be the phone, but just a guess. I recommend taking the phone back and trying the X-tc. It's not quite as good, but close. And it has a bigger screen. From a distance it looks like a smart phone. :-) Good luck! Let us all know how you made out, OK?
Oh, how strange! I went back to Radio Shack lastnight and exchanged for the Xtc. I STILL can't get any text messages, but the phone is ok. I'm going to wait it out, besides I've already paid for $75 of service for this month. Hopefully it will work soon. Thanks for the help.
I'm having issues with some of my calls not coming in. And sometimes my voicemail don't go off. I hate calling VM cause their customer service sucks. And this is my first replacement for the X_Tc
I did, twice. I have the X-tc and when I called them, they said the same thing. I turned my phone off for about five minutes, and when I turned it on it was working.
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