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Lets get real about us cellular for a second.......

Kentucky Jelly

Oct 1, 2008, 8:47 AM
The company is tanking! This ship is sinking, there's no way around it they are going down. I can tell by the recent initiatives, the changing attitudes of managers, the constant conference calls, this baby is going down. They are giving it all they got to make up for all the lost revenue that is being created by the alltel/vzw merger. You can't deny it, it's totally obvious. The company is becoming more and more micro managed than ever. Long gone are the days where you can help the customer, now it's all about helping USC and the sales process. The writings on the wall folks, of all the reps that I have talked to at least 80% are looking for new employment..... I don't blame them, they feel the pressure, cellular just ain't what it ...

Oct 1, 2008, 9:50 AM
First I Don't work for US Cellular.

Your wrong!

There is a downward turn in revenue right now for ALL CARRIERS and the economy in general.
Consumer spending is down in general in the US and now has started to effect industries like cable and wireless.

Look Sprint lost 1,000,000 customers last quarter. At&t only has sold 75% of their forcast for Iphones. HBO subscriptions were down 23% last month for fall shows.

It just shows that the consumer is tigher with their money. They are no adding as many features/lines to the family plans. It is that simple it is slow everywhere. Been to a mall lately and talked to retail managers for any store and they will tell you revenue is down.

US Cellular has decided to take a price a...

Oct 1, 2008, 10:33 AM
Very true, the economy is the biggest part of retail taking a downward turn in sales/profits.

BUT... my biggest complaint with USCC are these two things.

Yes, it is great to retain as many customers as possible, but you have to have an eye towards growth also. USCC is focusing strictly on retention, atleast for the current moment.

Secondly, the marketing department is inept at their jobs. Lets face it, USCC markets towards the baby boomer generation. All fine and well, except that they have had cell phones for 20+ years now and aren't as willing to switch because they see a giant teddy bear walking down the street with a kid. They need to start marketing towards the freshly 18 year old segment group and maximize on first time ce...

Oct 1, 2008, 12:30 PM
I will agree with you on both of your points.

First retention is More important then acquisition but I agree not having a focused approach to both is a fatal flaw of any business. In their defense i am sure that US Cellular says they are targeting new custoemrs with the "loyaty" "quality" campaigns.

I agree I also think the real complaint is in the marketing strategy and their approach to the market. I agree the young crowd is the future of revenue and repeate ARPU for years to come. They are more aproachable in high profit areas like data, higher end devices, third party service, all combined to increase the revenue for wireless providers. Without direct commercials to them you will not get their attention. With US Cellulars...

Oct 1, 2008, 9:41 PM
We focus on retentions because it costs far less to retain a customer than add a new one. Retention is becoming one of the most important stats in wireless as most carrriers are just trading customers not gaining customers who didnt previously have wireless as in years past.

BTW nafs (financial services rep, obviously you have your finger directly on the pulse of the wireless business, lol) do you actually know anyone in marketing? DO you have any education in marketing? Or are you just making the statement that our marketing team suck because you dont like the commercials? I am guessing it is the latter.

I know first hand how good the people in the marketing dept are b/c I deal with them every day. Since all you do is collect mone...

Oct 2, 2008, 10:16 AM
jjones- I agree

US Cellular has made a valid attempt to target two segments of the us consumer landscape.

The first is the baby boomers. Their hot points of quality, value and service. US Cellular has not had a problem targeting these consumers very well. It has always lead its markets in the eyes of the baby boomers and has strives to provide what they want.

The second is the Gen Y - young tech generation. Recently US Cellular has launched a focus on the younger crowd offering newer phones and more competitive features/service. This along with many viral and directly target campaigns toward the younger generation has been US Cellular's focus.

I don't think anything negative against the marketing department and their abilit...

Oct 7, 2008, 4:33 PM
Actually, the baby boomer generation will be driving the main revenue stream for quite a few years. We're the largest generation in the history of the US. The US population exploded after the end of WWII. The soldiers came home from the war, got married and had children. Birth rates in other generations have since declined, with people not having large families as generations past did or waiting till later in their careers to have children.

We boomers are in the higher end of our careers, not just starting out. This translates into earning better wages than when we first started working. I've had a cell phone since 1995, back in the days of when you had your choice of two bag phones with $25 per month for 30 minutes plans. When yo...

Oct 22, 2008, 9:35 AM

This is a GREAT conversation. Exactly what a forum is supposed to be used for.

These opinions of educated individuals, that have valid points and concerns are fantastic! And imagine, all of it was said and communicated clear, concisely, and respectfully without the use of expletives, slang or other derogatory comments!

I just posted a similar opinion about the buyout/question that always seems to pop up on the "Rooney Retires" thread.

Nov 12, 2008, 8:20 PM
Diamondgirl5 said:

So, US Cellular isn't losing money by focusing some of their efforts on the baby boomers. We do expect value for our dollar. If we get it, we tend to stay with our cell provider, not jump ship every couple of years for the latest gee whiz feature that one cell provider offers first. We pay for our phones, our kids' phones, and sometimes even our parents' phones. And we can afford to pay for them and the services we use (translate: unlimited texting for ourselves and our kids and national plans for when we travel for business or pleasure). And by the way, we don't just want the $.01 phones that basically work as a phone (my husband and mine are Razr2s). I use a bluetooth headset because I spend a
jerry 12

Oct 4, 2008, 8:30 PM
uscc is changing just look at all the smart phones they have now and more on the way they have three Blackberry's 8130 /8330 / 8830 and they have four windows phones and i know that uscc is getting some new Blackberry's that are coming out i know the model number to some but i will keep that to my self for now.where ever uscc has a market then the coverage is great because uscc will put towers where every they are needed the other carriers local employees will tell you who has the best coverage in a area and that is Uscc with alltel coming in second just about all the carriers have good service in the city limits but go out on the back roads and see who can make a call and who can't. 😉

Nov 12, 2008, 8:12 PM
Unfortunately, I need to revisit this topic again.

JJones... don't read to far into a screenname. You selectively looked at nafs and assumed that I am a financial services consultant. Incorrect. 8091nafsbuc= CUBSFAN1908!!! Yes, I'm a poor Cubs fan.

Secondly, yes, I do have a pulse for the wireless industry. I'm not going to lie and say that I've been doing it for 20+ years. I have been selling cell phones for 10 years now.

I am educated in marketing (it is only an A.A., but it is better than most). And, yes... I know several members of the marketing department (Chicagoland that is).

USCC's marketing department is in disarray. I am hoping that the main source of the problem is the economy and the cost cutting mind...

Oct 1, 2008, 12:04 PM
No bank will underwrite the loan necessary for a purchase that large at this point unless it's going for a dollar a share.

I know you hate USCC, but even you can acknowledge the company is much stronger than that.

Oct 1, 2008, 12:30 PM
he is bias its ok

Oct 1, 2008, 11:34 PM
My question is...Why are you here if you hate USCC so much?

Oct 2, 2008, 10:17 AM
I don't hate US Cellular?
Why do you respond to me like that?
Its KJelly that hates US Cellular!
Kentucky Jelly

Oct 2, 2008, 11:35 AM
I dont hate USC, I'm just trying to wake them up so they see what they are doing to themselves. I used to work for them, and I know people that work for them now, and its a whole new world now..... You know they lost more customers than they gained the last quarter.

Oct 2, 2008, 12:13 PM
no actually the gain was positive (around 15k i think)

Oct 2, 2008, 12:22 PM
U.S. Cellular
6.194 million total customer base
16,000 net additions in Quarter
$53.27 ARPU for Quarter

Agreed the additions are not great but not negative just a clarification.

Oct 2, 2008, 2:07 PM
I'm sorry Knox! I was reffering to KJ. Nothing towards you my friend. 🙂

Oct 2, 2008, 1:55 PM
GASP! It's a public forum! WTF is someone doing on here if they aren't a U.S. Cellular employee? On a P-U-B-L-I-C forum.

Oct 7, 2008, 5:00 PM
Nobody has mentioned how some other companies disable features on their phones. If you want to listen to music on your phone or have customized ringtones, you have to purchase them-from your cell phone provider. If you look at other cell phone sites you'll see lots of people wanting to be able to use the features they purchased their phone for in the first place. At least if you use US Cellular phones you can use your phone's features-all of them. Other people are having to purchase the features as options on a monthly basis or are trying to flash their phones to US Cellular's specifications to use the features that some other cell phone providers disable.

Also, when I've had errors on my bill, or had to send a phone back to the man...

Oct 7, 2008, 9:01 PM
Better quality??

Be careful don't drive 2 miles away from a USCC tower, you'll start roaming.

And your roaming onto the "V" company's towers. So much better.

Oct 7, 2008, 11:13 PM
depends where you are, thats not the case in milwaukee, madison or chicago thats for sure.

Oct 8, 2008, 9:25 AM
where Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile all suck bad north Portland.

Oct 8, 2008, 10:37 PM
Guess again. From Central Wisconsin south into Illinois I'm not roaming, nor am I roaming in the Fox Valley (Appleton, Oshkosh). Even got EV-DO when I was in Milwaukee. From Marathon county northward technically I'm roaming cause US Cellular doesn't have towers there..except..Hey! Got a National Plan! It doesn't matter. At least US Cellular's National plans don't have any roaming charges no matter where you are or whose towers you're using. Some other company's say they have a national plan...but it's only on their towers.

Oct 9, 2008, 2:33 PM
When I had USCC, Every phone I had when it roamed it had problems sending texts, and the call would never go through. That got annoying.

and whats the point in having a company if your constantly using someone else's towers?? If your constantly on Verizon's towers why don't you just have Verizon and get better coverage and better phones with better features,

Oct 9, 2008, 4:33 PM
beyondmydestiny said:
and whats the point in having a company if your constantly using someone else's towers?? If your constantly on Verizon's towers why don't you just have Verizon and get better coverage and better phones with better features,

Ok, Most customers of any carrier in any given market will never use other towers "constantly"

USCC provides roaming for customers Nation Wide when they are out or on the frindge of a market. When in a market in a USCC coverage area you will only roam "occasionaly" to provide coverage in gap areas.

The interuption of service usually can be overcome by dialing an area code before every number if your roaming.

Remember roaming on national plans are free a...

Oct 9, 2008, 6:23 PM
I'm sorry my experience with USCC wasn't so enjoyable.

Reasons why to HAVE any other carrier then USCC:
- Better service(I've had better service with both AT&T and now Sprint)
- Mobile to Mobile with a specific plan for it.

- Unlimited picture message, and video messaging

- BETTER phones. I mean what NON smart phone does USCC have to stand up against the Dare or Instinct or VU or Iphone?? The Glimmer?? That phone is a piece of junk.

- Actually have nationwide coverage without ROAMING constantly, btw even when i did type in the area code my phone would say "Welcome to Verizon Wireless, blah blah blah" you can even ask my mother, roaming all the time sucks.

- no really good internet service.

U.S. Cellular suc...

Oct 9, 2008, 6:24 PM
I meant Mobile to Mobile WITHOUT a certain plan for it.

Nov 12, 2008, 8:22 PM
beyondmydestiny said:
Better quality??

Be careful don't drive 2 miles away from a USCC tower, you'll start roaming.

And your roaming onto the "V" company's towers. So much better.

The only V I want to hear about are ones that have it stamped on their foreheads, but that's off topic.

Nov 13, 2008, 6:18 AM
Premium text apps are third paty applications. Wireless providers hate them BECAUSE they don't get a piece of the action. Whenever providers try to block them out of hand they get threatened with 1st amendment litigation.

Apr 6, 2009, 1:07 PM
And what 1st Amendment right would that be? The right to spam somebody's phone with unwanted junk? That 1st Amendment argument could have been used with that government "do not call" list. It wasn't used back then and it can't be used now against providers protecting their own network that they developed and run.
Kentucky Jelly

Apr 5, 2009, 11:18 PM
guess what.... the company may be forced to sell itself.... USC cant keep up....

Apr 6, 2009, 11:34 AM
your an idiot!

they wont be "forced" to do anything the carlson family doesn't want to do. And guess what they don't want to sell. USCC is a profitable company that by owning it it allows support from to the other companies they own. With a sale all of their business would be affected. Not a good plan. Now after LTE launches and their is more consolidation then we will talk possibilities. Right now there just isn't much available out there for choices.

Apr 7, 2009, 8:01 AM
Where the heck have you been? I was wondering if I needed to send flowers for your funeral or what..... ☚ī¸ don't stress me out again or I will be forced to kick your bum. 😁

Apr 15, 2009, 10:43 AM
you were a male, USCCSUCKS, but with that comment, I may have changed my mind. Can you help me out please? Guy or girl?

Apr 15, 2009, 10:47 AM
i have ovaries. 😁

Apr 7, 2009, 10:43 AM
end of story

Apr 7, 2009, 2:03 PM
you got an inside scoop or something

Apr 9, 2009, 6:25 PM
They're tanking, right, that's why they are in the process of bidding on divested markets to EXPAND the company's footprint.
People are so stupid sometimes. Just read the news you morons.

Apr 15, 2009, 10:02 AM
yeah- must be going under. they are just remodeling their Iowa call center to make them more cosmetically ready for take over.

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