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Yo JacksBack........WTF????
Where have you been, Mr.Proprietary Information??? You should let everyone know what's going down. I find it amazing that the same people who bitch about leaking **** have nothing to say now. We are here. Where are you????
USCellguy, your axe grinding attitude isn't flattering. Are you an agent that the company cut relations with? What is your problem?
If the dude has a valid complaint and wants to vent about it. thats cool. I for one beleive that sometimes you need to go outside of work to vent about work. Here is a good place, because there are lots of people that are USCC employees that can relate and/or talk with you at least. HOWEVER, there is all this drama coming out.. but, nothing coming out. Ted met his deadline on your other thread DAYS ago. And you still haven't told anyone what your beef is. And now this.??? what is the point to all of it. You're talking in circles and not saying anything.. AND not making sense all at the same time. It pretty much crossed the line over to the "waste of time" side a while ago. Sorry buddy.
This jerk posted the same crap at HoFo and got banned. If you go there and look up his past posts, you'll see he did the same thing last year. There is no big story. If it were that big and destructive to USCC it would have already come out, or would have been settled. This guy has nothing else to do in his mom's basement ( I guess the x-box is broken?) so he comes here to get under peoples skin. He'll probably reply to this with something like "if you were important enough you'd know" or "just wait...we will crush them..." or some other meaningless waste of time and bandwidth.
Hopefully reading this and getting a good laugh at it.
Wow, do you post on here just to see yourself type.?
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