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I miss having U.S. Cellular.


Sep 8, 2010, 10:01 AM
Unfortunatly I was unable to pay for US Cellular, and had to leave mid-contract to be on my mothers verizon account. Now things are better, US Cellular went 400.00 into collections....

How can I fix this? 400.00 Is still too much to pay at once....

How does US Cellular deal with stuff like this? I know sprint eventually just writes it off in certain cases (My sister had sprint, owed them 1000.00...and 2 years later, i know for a fact she got them back with a 200.00 deposit. I was there.)

What should I do? It was the best customer service, and for where I lived the best service!

Sep 8, 2010, 12:04 PM
Are you kidding me???

YOU agreed to pay your bill on time and in full when you signed up last time. You didn't. And now you question why you have to put a $400 deposit. What's even worse, you didn't learn from your sister's mistake! RIDICULOUS.

You have a large deposit because you were irresponsible with your finances/ Don't complain or look for ways out of paying your obligations.

Deal with it as an adult and pay your damn bills.

Sep 9, 2010, 9:20 AM
This has to be the best reply to a post that I have ever read! Thank you for making my morning!

Sep 9, 2010, 11:29 AM
Now if they are going to approve you for service with a $400 deposit then thats based solely on your credit not any outside collections. Nothing you can do about that. Thats YOUR credit history.

Sep 10, 2010, 10:25 AM
While you may have said what many associates want to yell out to customers at times, I don't think that was necessary. For all WHATEVERWORKS knows you could be a US Cell employee and now you yelled at him/her after she complimented our coverage area and customer service.

I'm not saying you are an associate of USC, but if you are please remember our goal of delivering an ideal customer experience goes beyond the store, even onto a cell phone forum.

Be sure to think and respond in ways to "zealously gain and retain customers". This last bit was for any USC associates browsing these forums.

Sep 10, 2010, 10:42 AM
Perhaps I should mention that I am not a US Cellular employee. So, speaking with such fervor is not necessary in my situation.

And, I will admit that I do not know WHATEVERWORKS exact situation. However, the fact that she/he is soliciting a forum on ways to beat the system and not pay her delinquent bills is absolutely appalling.

You may ask what's worse than not paying your bills??? Here it is. The idea of a sympathetic employee "zealously gain(ing) and retain(ing) customers" that are knowingly in poor financial standing with their employer.

So yes, JOSHIWA, she complimented your company's service and network. However, history repeats itself. Chances are, This potential customer of your company will do nothing more than b...

Sep 10, 2010, 12:55 PM
Everyone needs a phone, even those that are in poor financial standing. If we don't get them someone else will and then we lost potential earnings. While history repeats itself, do you not think people deserve a second chance? Or that criminals cannot turn straight after serving a sentance.

I see your points, they are valid. Since you are not an employee just let my previous comment slide by ya as it was morely addressed to USC employees. 🙂

Sep 10, 2010, 2:24 PM
Second chances are for failed businesses. So no, I don't think this customer deserves a second chance unless US Cellular is looking to fail.

People are not entitled to a cell phone. They may have the privilege of using cell phone service from any multiple of options. US Cellular has the right to decline service or set up different parameters allowing it. It doesn't mean that you look for ways around their guidelines. That's pathetic.

Quite honestly, it is despicable that any employee of a company would defend a past customer that did not pay their bills.

Sep 11, 2010, 12:19 PM
We like to do whatever we can to take care of our customers. And if that means helping them with a past due account and reinstating them then that's what we'll do.

You seem to share an outlook for customers that I would expect from other companies and stuff. US Cellular is different from other companies, clearly you haven't noticed that. We will do what we think is best for our business and our customers.

Sep 12, 2010, 1:47 AM
Yet another foolish associate...

Go ahead, keep taking care of your deadbeat customers. But mark my word, the big cellular companies can survive this type of churn. the 6th largest cellular provider cannot.

Your ignorance towards delinquent bills will cause your demise and make whichever carrier that purchases US Cellular 7 million customers stronger.

Do you believe in something better? I do. We call it Verizon.

Sep 15, 2010, 3:33 PM
Dear 8091nafsbuc,

You sir are an idiot. What is the difference if someone had a cancelled account with U.S. Cell and want to come back or if they had a canceled account with sprint and switched to U.S. Cell. That's why they have deposits, its an insurance policy against people who aren't able to pay their bill. You say that companies will not be able to with stand having customers who go delinquent on their accounts, but they also can't afford to turn customers away. In the current economy there are thousands of people losing cars, houses, and etc. Does this mean that none of them should be able to purchase a ford again or by a house for their family? People make mistakes just as you did when you decided to blow up on someone who ask...

Sep 15, 2010, 4:13 PM
Dear tastesfunny85,

There's a reason why credit is important. It is used to determine the likelihood that someone will continue paying their bills in a timely matter.

Once that person decided not to fulfill their agreement, the requirements change. They will be required to pay a large deposit IF the company chooses to continue doing business with them. They need to deal with it.

That's not what the original message here was about. This individual was trying to find a way to avoid paying her past due bill and re-start her service. That is entirely unacceptable (but far to common).

Now, to address your concerns with the economy... yes, it's sad that many people are losing their homes, vehicles, and anything else that you can...

Sep 15, 2010, 5:58 PM
The original message here was that a person could not afford their account at one time and unfortunately it went to collections. The reason they could not afford their account was not disclosed. Truth sir is based on fact, of which you have none. You are simply stating your opinion on the matter and a pessismistic one at that.

I sir am not currently a U.S. Cellular employee. I left on my own accord when I graduated college, however I still believe in the things I learned there. Which were helping every customer to the best of the companies ability. This wouldn't include turning someone away because they made a mistake in the past or maybe they were put into a situation that they couldn't help but let it go to collections.

I have ...

Sep 16, 2010, 7:24 PM
How did I miss this one???

Let's do this... let's call our conversation about this delinquent account as concluded. We will agree to disagree. Fair?

Now, one last thing... Orange Kool-Aid??? Seriously, were you deprived as a child? Be creative sir. Choose something exotic, like a strawberry kiwi. Or my personal favorite, Ecto-Cooler (and if you are under 30, sorry. You don't know what you missed in the 80s).


Your Ignorant Kool-Aid Arch-Enemy

Sep 16, 2010, 7:26 PM
LOL, now that I think about it, Ect-Cooler was a Hi-C juice box. DAMMIT! I lose!

Sep 15, 2010, 6:18 PM
Buddy, you are obviously not here to encourage conversation, but to stir conflict. Your constant negative remarks and verbage is immature and boring. If you love Verizon so much just go troll that forum for us all.


Sep 15, 2010, 6:32 PM
Obviously I am not here to encourage conversation? Are you serious? Forums are open to anyone with an opinion. If you are incapable of understanding a dissenting view, then you need to further your education.

Immature and boring? I believe and opening statement calling someone stupid is immature.

I'm sorry that you people fail to see the light about this thread. However, I reiterate that a company that employees people with views like yours will die a long, drawn out death. I will be there on the other side, laughing my ass off.
(Sorry, that was immature, but very deserving.)

Sep 15, 2010, 6:35 PM
Oh, and I apology that my verbage is above a 10th grade reading level.

I got me a edumacation when me is much younger.

Is that better for you??? (LOL)

Sep 15, 2010, 8:28 PM
Dear Idiot,

The only thing you have accomplished here is to prove to everyone that you are nothing more then a loud mouth blow hard.

You are right that online forums are a place for anyone to voice an opinion. However you based an opinion and voiced it without any evidence to support your rant. Your "truthful" comments are simply ignorant rubbish.

I will not post to this anymore because it is a waste of time to read your posts.



Sep 16, 2010, 6:36 AM
Dear equally dumb,

The only ignorance in this thread is that of employees thinking that delinquent customers magically start making their payments, in full and on time. Be realistic, once a deadbeat, always a deadbeat.

This thread is not any different than the rest. You don't like the message that I say, so you instantly start attacking the messenger.

A healthy debate is not a negative thing. If someone here could have formed a legit argument supporting the reinstatement of a customer in this situation, then so be it. But blaming the economy, etc for not paying a cell phone bill is nothing more than looking for excuses.


Sep 16, 2010, 6:43 PM
Dear "Tastefunny" And "8091nafsbuc"

This is amusing. Please keep it up.

With Warm Regards,

This Troper

Sep 13, 2010, 11:22 AM
I sincerely hope you are nothing more than a usc minimum wage associate, as if you are anything more than that you must be another one of their college smart/world stupid management.

As a businesman myself i can safely say that some customers are better off NOT being your customer. The ones that don't pay their bills and have a history of not paying your bills. the extremely rude ones are also better off being sent elsewhere. I have yet to see a company that wants ALL customers, most of them want GOOD customers.

You can put out all the us cellular propaganda you want, but the truth is more along the lines of "let's get them back because we are losing customers left and right and maybe we can get them addicted to the overpriced crap ...

Sep 14, 2010, 4:39 PM
Well vandin, I do agree with you on some of that. A lot of the people I work with agree also. Mostly about the crappy customers. But, that doesn't mean that we are min wage employees. Actually, we A LOT of money. 🙂 Respond with whatever you want, but, the fact is.. US Cellular pays higher than any other carrier. According to some maganize I read a while ago anyway. And about easyedge, all carriers have a data plan of some sort that is overpriced and make a fortune on. So you can forget sticking us for that one.

I DO go against the company grain with the way we treat our customers and hold their hand through their cellular life. There is NO reason to give the keys to the store to a customer that is rude, can't pay their bils, an...

Sep 14, 2010, 4:48 PM
Oh, and I love some of you tards on here AND on Facebook. You know you're full of **** with some of the statements you make. Sure there is bad situations from time to time. But, do you really think ANY carrier is immune to this??

"I didn't pay my bill and I got shut off"

^ really?

"I broke my $500 phone and they are making me pay $50 deductible when I pay for insurance"

^ Have you had to make an insurance claim on ANYTHING in your life before. Always a deductible.

"Well I bought the phone for 1 cent, why should I have to pay $160"

^ tell you what, how about I pay YOU $160 to not have a phone for 18 months?? Worth it now huh?

You're surely not gonna ruin our days if you go to another carrier. You have to deal w...

Sep 10, 2010, 12:38 PM
I have been corrected! This was the funniest response to a post that I have ever read--what a load of crap! Fool me once....

Sep 8, 2010, 2:27 PM
I wouldn't suggest waiting 2 years with a account in collections and hoping that the charge is waived, i coulds only imagine what that would do to your credit score. I would contact the collection agency that is handeling your account and ask about payment options.

Sep 9, 2010, 11:28 AM
Its up to the collection company, USCC wrote it off and the collection company picked it up. There is no going back, because the collection comapny has not recieved payment in full. Until that happens you cannot resume service with USCC...

Sep 10, 2010, 1:56 PM
you could always do what half the a**holes in Milwaukee do and transpose 2 of the digits in the last 4 of your social security number

US Cellular's system is so jacked up that you'll probably get approved with X class, $0 deposit with "no credit history"

good luck

Sep 17, 2010, 3:18 PM
The reason I couldn't pay the bill is because it was either a cell phone OR rent and food. Well I would rather have somewhere to live. Now that my money situation is a little better, I would like to right the wrong and fix it and resume a company that i liked.

Thankss to the nice people.

Oct 13, 2010, 8:55 AM
I agree with you----some people are just rude and don't have any compassion or empathy for anyone. I hope things work out for you. 🙂

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