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thebeliefproject scoop


Sep 29, 2010, 8:23 PM
Happened to find this article online in the UK.
http://www.lse.co.uk/FinanceNews.asp?ArticleCode=4xq ... »

Sep 29, 2010, 11:36 PM
Alrighty, I also found this pdf of the details here at this link: http://ff.suttle-straus.com/_media/_images/pd fs/26331.pdf

Sep 30, 2010, 8:09 AM
I was hoping for something good but looks like this is going to be a big disappointment!! Looked at the PDF file and it would cost me more and not really help me! Only way to get the phone replacement is if you get the outrageously expensive plans!

Sep 30, 2010, 10:12 AM
If you look at price initially, you are going to be sticker shocked. But if you look at what is included you will not be. Many of the things included in these plans are not even offered by any other large provider. Just the fact you don't have to sign another contract after the initial 2 year contract is fantastic, plus you're getting overage caps for voice and bundled plans that ARE less expensive if you were to compare them a la carte as they are now. Unlimited Incoming everything is huge, but they all included mobile to mobile and 7 PM nights and weekends on each NATIONAL plan. These plans are very competitive and offer more than any other carrier.

Sep 30, 2010, 10:43 AM
you mean like what you get right now on the current national plans? A single user gets 1000 mins free incoming, nights and weekends and mobile to mobile for 49.99.

Everything you list he has now if he's on the national plans that have been out since last year. Only now he has to pay more for points he might never use.

It's sticker shock either way, more money for arguable beneficial benefits. There's only one or two circumstances where the plans on that pdf are cheaper than now, in many cases it's a minimum of 30 bucks extra a month for the same thing they have now, in some cases it's 200-300 more a month.


Sep 30, 2010, 1:34 PM
I am not certain exactly what PDF you are looking at so I don't even know how accurate this information is but let's pretend you are looking at the right information since I do know the right information. 🙂

On a single line, if you take our most popular packages, add messaging and data, you are paying much less and you are contract-free. Not only that, those points "you may never use" will be used because you can upgrade your phone every (in some cases) 11 months if you used those points just for phone upgrade acceleration.

On family plans, the majority of plans out there are already paying the $70 for the base plan plus $30 for messaging. Let's look at Verizon's family plan...

Let's pretend you have four-lines at verizon wirele...

Sep 30, 2010, 4:16 PM
Wow! You are so right! I think you completely changed my mind about the Belief Project!

Give me a break... It's ridiculous that US Cellular is having to defend plans that they just released! It's clearly not having the early impact that they had hoped that it would.

Sep 30, 2010, 4:24 PM
OH SNAP a negative person, please switch to verizon where they will meet all your needs, if not cancel and pay the 350$ cancellation fee, because Verizon cares to try and meet your needs.

Verizon loves you. and Verizon wants to help you out and give money to your community, and create community orientated events.

Give me a break, at least a company tries, i would prefer to pay a little extra knowing this company gives $ to education, and funds community events to help out.

What does verizon do?
what does sprint do?
what does att do?

You know what makes me annoyed is anyone can hate the smaller company who tries to make a difference in the community, im sorry we are not giving you free service, free phones, and mowing your law...

Sep 30, 2010, 5:48 PM
Nobody said anything about helping out the community. US Cellular does a great job with that and we are all thankful for it.

Also, the idea of loving your wireless provider is a non-factor. I just need to be able to have a business relationship with them. If they provide service where I need at a good price, then they will have my business.

Lastly, signing contracts is not a big deal. I will gladly sign a contract with a company that provides me with the service that they commit to.

Sep 30, 2010, 5:54 PM
I have been with USC a long time and i love it!

I just hate that they talked about how great all this would be and i thought i might finnaly be able to afford to get a smart phone for my self!! (my wife has one)

Then i find out that there BElief project adds stuff thats not all that great and is way too expensive!! I would be better off adding another smart phone to my current plan!

the new plans are CRAP!!!!

I still will stay with USCC and i have never had a problem signing a ontract cause i don't plan to leave so don't use that argument cause it aint worth the extra money!!!!

Sep 30, 2010, 7:00 PM
whats your current plan, how much do you pay, easy to say it never benifits you with out stating what you currently have

Sep 30, 2010, 10:35 PM
69.99 1000 min
10.00 add a line
9.95 750 text on line 1
4.95 250 text line 2
30.00 smart phone line 2

124.85 total

line 3 has no interest in textin or smartphones!
my line 1 would like a blackberry but not for the price of the new plans!!

Now tell me how i can save!!

Sep 30, 2010, 10:47 PM
Just stay with your current plan, i know they will still offer the 19.95 unlimited text package, you can ask them if they still offer the 750 and 250, i have heard 250 is going to be removed but dont know if its true.

if they still offer it then you would just switch to, the 69.99, add 10$, add the 750 and 250 and 30$ smart phone being same price, if they still offer the smaller txt package, i know they still offer the 19.95 unlimited package just didnt check on the 250 or 750.

yah you will state "same price, and i lose 100 min" but now u upgrade sooner for phones, and no more contracts after you finish your first 2 year contract or ur current one your in.

belief points can be used to upgrade phones faster, go towards accesories, or...

Oct 1, 2010, 12:02 AM
thats what i plan on doing.
I don't mind a contract cause i plan to stay with USCC anyways but i was hoping that these industry changing plans would do a little something for me. Guess not!!

USCC has let me down!!

Oct 1, 2010, 12:36 PM
You keep talking about the community. I don't give a crap if my cell phone company does one thing for the community. I really truely don't. It's nothing but a marketing gimmick anyhow. I want my cell company to give me a good service at a decent price, i could really care less if they feed the homeless and frankly i'd prefer if they didn't as it means my cell bill goes up to cover those costs.

All the belief project was, was a way to jack prices yet again and attach a worthless point system to it hoping those points would mean something to people. I think uscellular is going to find out quickly the higher prices mean more to people than stupid points.

BTW, the comments on the beliefproject.net the last few days were hilarious. Ev...

Sep 30, 2010, 5:37 PM
Verizon actually lets you upgrade after 12 months after the initial agreement...I know that for a fact because I'm actually up for renewal at the new customer discounted price!

All of the hype about backing up your contacts a little while ago: That was actually Verizon's doing as well and it is free after subscribing to free online Verizon AND no charges for data related to backing up.

As for phone replecement: Verizon usually has plenty of phones available at the store for swapping in and out when the phone does not work. I have not have had to wait. US Cellular forces you to go through their insurance claim or make you go through the manufacturer to repair the phone which is time consuming and sometimes costly to the customer.

Sep 30, 2010, 10:05 PM
odd the verizon account when i sign in, for the other account my family has were all 24 months and had the count down timer online.

Oct 1, 2010, 11:55 AM
minuitmlrj said:
Verizon actually lets you upgrade after 12 months after the initial agreement...I know that for a fact because I'm actually up for renewal at the new customer discounted price!

All of the hype about backing up your contacts a little while ago: That was actually Verizon's doing as well and it is free after subscribing to free online Verizon AND no charges for data related to backing up.

As for phone replecement: Verizon usually has plenty of phones available at the store for swapping in and out when the phone does not work. I have not have had to wait. US Cellular forces you to go through their insurance claim or make you go through the manufacturer to repair the phone which is time consuming a

Oct 2, 2010, 10:37 AM
While I do not want to get too much into your argument with each other, I wanted to post some info to clarify something (since it's important for the post to be true 😁 ). You CAN get a phone every year on qualified rate plans with Verizon, and you don't have to be upgrading from a feature phone to smartphone.

"You can get a new phone every year with Annual Upgrade. Sign up for a 2-year agreement on a calling plan of at least $49.99 and you can purchase a new phone at its promotional price through My Verizon every year with a 2-year renewal (upgrade fee may apply)."

This came from
http://aboutus.vzw.com/customersatisfaction/customer ... »

Actually, that policy has been in effect for at least 2 or 3 years, if not longer.

Oct 2, 2010, 11:04 AM
not all true,on the family plan only primary line can do this. So, the only lines you have to wait 20 months to upgrade. please see link:


Haha!!!! 😛

Oct 2, 2010, 11:05 AM
http://wirelesssupport.verizon.com/faqs/Wireless+Ser ... »

sorry the link didnt go though.

Oct 2, 2010, 12:19 PM
That's actually a link for Verizon's residential service. I'm not sure how it works to be honest. I do know, however, that their wireless and residential pricing are two different business units with different prices, so this link does not apply to Verizon Wireless customers.

Oct 2, 2010, 2:12 PM
You are right in that the annual upgrade applies only to primary line on family plans. That is why in my post earlier I said "qualified plans" (So a shareline would not be on a qualified plan, since it isn't 49.99 or higher). Anyway, it is not that important though; just wanted to add some clarity to the subject.

Oct 2, 2010, 10:44 AM
Oh yeah, I forgot this, sorry. In Verizon corporate stores, they give FRUs as replacements under warranty. Don't make it out like they send your phone to the manufacturer, because that does not happen. Maybe an agent location, but not corporate.

That is why Verizon has "technicians" hired through a 3rd party in the store. While they really don't fix anything, their jobs are to deal with warranty issues they resolve in house. (Verizon has moved away from 3rd party employees and have been starting to use customer service reps to do the same instead..but that is just for extra info).

I'm not posting this to say it is better or worst than USCC. I'm just saying, it is important for the post to be accurate, right? 😁

Oct 2, 2010, 12:11 PM
Right! It wasn't my intention to be biased, just trying to point out the facts correctly. While US Cellular does excel at customer service and other perks, so do other carriers. Every carrier has their strengths and weaknesses. It's just bothersome when a carrier advertises a new service as it is a gift from God when the service was first available at another carrier. So there you have it, upgrading, in-house exchange, and free contacts back up available at Verizon Wireless, FIRST.

Oct 1, 2010, 12:33 PM
We need to remember that most of these plans are not aimed at existing customers. Families without data are going to want to stay on their current plan for a while until things shake out.

These plans are aimed at Verizon and ATT customers who are paying more than our new plans with less features and benefits.

They also benefit many of our single line people with everything on their plans. The Single National Unlimited with Data and Txt is way more expensive than changing to a premium plus plan.

Remember, too, your mobile to mobile is not nationwide on the everest plans. It is on all of the belief plans.

So if you like your plan and what you pay, then stick with it, if you want to get new equipment every year or so give...

Oct 2, 2010, 9:18 AM
you should probably tell us cellular that then since they are telling agents if they don't get people switched to the new plans they might as well close their doors and go out of business as they won't be making any money since they changed all their agreements.

Oct 2, 2010, 4:17 PM
It's abvious that they are not aimed at current customers!! Maybe aimed at driving them away!!

I thought they wanted to reward long term costumers!!

They reward us with higher priced plans to choose from!!!!

USCC messed up this time!! I'm not changing my plan and if they try to make me change when i want a new phone then i'll go somewhere else cause these plans STINK!!!!

Oct 3, 2010, 10:44 AM
Then dont change your plan. Nobody is forcing you to change. What is wrong with you people. Stop the nagging. It does sense to do it.

And you make no points why the new plans SKINK!!! 😕

Oct 3, 2010, 7:55 PM
The point is it cost me more money for stuff i don't need!!!!

Not a good way to treat long term customers!!

Yes i will stay with my old plan and not get "rewarded" for being a good customer by paying more!!

Next time maybe USCC won't try to fool us by saying they are doing something good!!

Oct 4, 2010, 8:32 AM
Once again, nobody fooling nobody. Whats wrong for rewarding customer for being a loyal customer? Non. I dont see other carriers doing anything diffrent. At least USCC is trying. I would have a company trying soming new. Then having a company not doing anything to help me.


Sep 30, 2010, 10:13 AM
My cost per month will also go up with the new plans for equivalent options to what I have now. ☚ī¸

Yeah, that was worth all the hype.

Sep 30, 2010, 10:24 AM
What plan and options do you currently have?

Sep 30, 2010, 10:48 AM
Nat'l 1000, unlimited n/w, unlimited data (no tethering) 49.99
Prem Internet 19.99
250 text 4.95

with taxes and fees (about $11), comes to about $86.

Thanks for your help Matt. I'm not dissing USC, I've been with them 10+ years. I'm just not seeing the benefit yet of the new promotion.

It'd be nice if longterm existing customers got a few belief points as a perk...

Sep 30, 2010, 11:01 AM
you will get belief points, the amount depends on your time with the company, as soon as you sign up for a belief plan....now depending on the plan you changed to would get you between 500 - 2350 pts. for your 10 years of loyalty

Sep 30, 2010, 1:21 PM
First, thanks for being a customer for so long as as one person already mentioned, tenured customers do receive a certain amount of loyalty points when they migrate right away.

The new plans, which won't be on uscc.com until tomorrow, are bundled features. So in your case, assuming you are paying $75 for your plan, data and texting, the appropriate plan for you would be the Single Essential Plus.

This plan includes 1200 minutes (with unl incoming, unl nights/weekends at 7 and unl mobile to mobile), unlimited messaging, data (smartphone or premium, so a Blackberry or Android phone would not be any more than your premium internet plan) and since you already signed a contract with us, you would not need to sign any more. You would jus...

Oct 2, 2010, 1:48 PM
it boils down to this.
Yes, sometimes the new plans are more expensive than the old ones. Sometimes not.

What the customer has to decide is this.
Do I keep what I have and be happy with it and what I'm paying, or do I pay a little extra for the benefit of never being in contract again, for the ability to never have a bill be more than $50 (or $150) more than I thought it would be, and for the ability to use points to pay for things that would otherwise cost me hundreds of dollars (phones/overage fees), and for the option and ability to get new equipment sooner?

If those things are important to the customer then all they have to decide is if they are willing to pay for it.

Sep 30, 2010, 11:12 PM
So we know what the new packages look like. How much are the phones going to cost us to upgrade?
I upgraded last weekend and got 2 calibers for 1 cent each. Will there be some great deal on an smart phones in the morning?? If I go to one of these new belief plans can I use some of the points I will get for switching plans to help pay for a samsung accalim ? I have been with US cellular since 2002

Oct 1, 2010, 6:08 AM
Phones are similar in price than before. You are still eligible for a discount every 18 months however you can lower that by buying down time using points. You can also use points to buy phones cheaper than normal but you won't be able to this round because you won't have any points initially. Eventually they will be going through and giving tenured customers a bucket of loyalty points based on years with us but that will not be available for you when you first switch.

Oh and please do not make a big deal out of this in store. There is nothing, I mean nothing, anyone in the store can do to give you extra points, etc.

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