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WAKE UP...means more than you think


Oct 2, 2010, 3:59 PM
The reason The Belief Project is going to wake up the wireless industry is not just based on ground breaking value. We have to change the way we think about wireless. The industry is so cost based that customers have no clue about the value of what they are paying for...or currently lack there of. The Top 5 spend millions of $$ each year telling consumers what phone they should get with no focus on their actual reoccuring charges. A majority of consumers don't stay with their carries because they want to, rather because they have to. Either they are trapped by a certain device or they realize its the same where ever they go. We have the lowest churn rate in the industry, thats because we are smaller and have had the opportunity to prov...

Oct 3, 2010, 12:08 AM
Good talking points. You talk about value several times, but to many people the bottom line is price. Many people don't want to pay extra for "value." For example, people don't want to pay $20 extra for unlimited text when you used to be able to pay $4.95 for 250 text even though it's now played off as "value." Everything is cost based, not just cellular. So the real question is "is this really going to change anything in the industry? Did battery swap? USCC is still the only carrier doing it. That didn't revolutionize anything. Unlimited plans for $50 are the future. Then you don't need overage forgiveness in the first place. Many carriers are already doing it or going that direction (T-Mobile, Boost, Walmart, Cricket, MetroPCS, ...

Dec 14, 2010, 3:26 PM
One point to ponder. If value in your eyes is only money, then why did CricKet and TMobile lose thousands of customers? The two carriers represent the cheapest carriers in the US. CricKet for Prepaid and TMobile for Contract. Just a thought......

Jan 2, 2011, 10:37 AM
The only value for subscribers of USCC is leaving once the contract is completed. What is the value in early upgrades to telephones that the other carriers have discontinued 6 months ago?

Oct 3, 2010, 4:23 PM
What it appears to be for a lot of us is an attempt to move from a cost based somewhat ala'cart structure to a more bundled fixed rate one. I have been a customer for over 10 years and was waiting for a new plan to be offered but I wanted to spend less money for more features not more money. Yes there are some nice features bundled but I am still looking at a higher plan cost when services should be cheaper not more expensive. The whole point of the point rewards game is to hide the cost increase by the touted value of the points,and that's fine if it is really seen as adding value but USCC needs to increase the points offered us.
I liked seeing bonus levels for long term customers but the max ceiling is 6 years when I wanted to see it g...

Oct 3, 2010, 6:40 PM
Let's do a comparison of the old plan vs the new believe plans. I have 4 phones on the old national 1000 ($69.99+20 (2 additional lines) and $30 family text+ 2 androids ($60) for a total $179.99. New plan: 1200 min for $199.99 w/unlimited text and 2 androids or I can do $220 for 1500 min and text and data for everyone. Either way it costs more. Sure you get reward points, but you could also take that $20 a month you save on the old plan and put it in a savings account and buy a new phone in 10 months too without a contract. So is that real value? I don't see it. You pay more for the new plans because they have these new perks figured into the higher price of the plans. They charge more because they are taking rewards points, one and ...

Oct 3, 2010, 7:52 PM
Looks like most people agree that the new plans are a Rip Off except uscc and uscc employees!! I think even some employees see it's a rip off but are afraid to say anything because they fear for there jobs.

Oct 4, 2010, 12:26 PM
US Cellular employees don't fear for their jobd--they have the D.O. to protect them! 🤣

Oct 4, 2010, 12:34 PM
The the D.O. the name of your union? That's the only thing that would protect you from speaking out against your company-a union. If you don't have one, then don't expect to be protected at all. I'm not pro-union, but I do know if you're working "at will" you have no protection.

Oct 4, 2010, 10:55 AM
You are telling people in the middle of one of the worst recessions ever to not get trapped by sticker shock?

Seriously? Are you people at us cellular on freaking drugs?

You keep talking about value. How's this for value. My wife has 5 phones on her plan, she's on the 69/1000 national. she has unlimited texting/pic and 2 smart phones. That's about 190ish a month for her. On the "belief" plans she'd be on essential plus and be running at 259.99. For what? She's paying way extra for 3 phones that don't have data. So she drops to essential and just adds on the data, now she's at 219. So absolute at minimum her monthly bill goes up 30 bucks. For what? What value is she getting that justifies a 30 dollar increase? She can upgra...

Oct 4, 2010, 5:24 PM
One giant thumbs up for this response.

My only disagreement... US Cellular won't lose as many customers this quarter. But next quarter, dare I say double the churn???

Oct 8, 2010, 1:44 PM
The only thing I would suggest looking at is the fact that even though its $30 more then where she is now, she does get the Nationwide GPS included in her smartphone plans.

Thats a $20.00 value to her vs. the other carriers that charge for that service at $10 per month.

Plus you could do the 5% discount for checking account payment which would be $11.00 discount.

Like many have said... sure its not for everyone. But I can say that 95% of the customers that I have seen in the stores are switching even though in some cases its more expensive. Its really personal preference.

Keep what you have. Thats fine. No one is making you move to a Belief Plan...

Certain Scenarios work better than others:

Example: Single Line with Un...

Oct 23, 2010, 3:05 PM
100% agreed!

Sep 11, 2011, 7:32 PM
Our plan went up, however that was because my wife wanted texting.

On the other hand, we get a 25% discount each month. 5 for the autodraft and paperless billing, and 20 for being a federal employee.

We're on the Family 1200 Plan with 2 phones. I figure our bill will be ~75 plus per month. I just checked our usage, for the last month she's used over 300 text messages...me? 6.... howz that for a kick....

There is another carrier out here in the boonies that offers unlimited calling, data, and texting for which they charge $45 per month on their refill cards.

Right now I'm not too big a fan of USC as they are just too expensive and not carrying any useful phones (for my needs)

However, so far as I can tell they have AL...

Dec 14, 2010, 5:23 PM
Vandinroth - Proof is in the consumer reports. I am not a uscc employee but Consumer reports is posted everywhere.. and in all categories USCC is #1 or #2. There's proof of "superior coverage" and "customer service" that is not a report that is just made up you know..

I just switched to belief plan, and i agree its not for everyone.. but it is for the majority. They've already adjusted single line plans with a $69.99 nwks at 7 + m2m + incoming w/ data and unlim messaging.. so i am sure they are hearing the consumer cry and will make proper adjustments where needed. It was posted that over 1 MILLION customers have already switched to the belief project.. thats 1/6 of their customers. Success? I would say so..

I understand the be...

Oct 6, 2010, 3:02 PM
I so agree with what so many people have been saying about the new program.
Here is another example:
$39.95 National Plan
$24.95 Bis
$64.90 Total

Belief Plan
$89.99 Essential

That's a difference of $25.09 per month or $301.08 per year!

For my $300 I would be getting Unlimited texting/mms, navigation and points.
I do not need nav I have factory nav in one car and a Garmen in the other.
I do not text message, if I do need to send one I just send an email to the Carriers sms or mms gateway! (OH and That's FREE & every carrier has this!!)
Points, I won't even beet this one up I think every one has made the point about points.

If I wait the 18 months to my renewal point I will save $451.62 call the cost of...

Oct 6, 2010, 6:04 PM
"email to the Carriers sms or mms gateway! (OH and That's FREE & every carrier has this!!)"

not true, it still counts as a msg... it just has an email address but stil considered a text...now BBM is completely free.

USCC does not force migrate people like AT&T and VZW...there are still PRIMECO plans that are serviced...

Oct 7, 2010, 3:46 AM
erikpkp said:
"email to the Carriers sms or mms gateway! (OH and That's FREE & every carrier has this!!)"

not true, it still counts as a msg... it just has an email address but stil considered a text...now BBM is completely free.

USCC does not force migrate people like AT&T and VZW...there are still PRIMECO plans that are serviced...

Yes it is not free for the party that receives the message, unless they have USCC. But for me as well as anyone who has a smart phone they can send from there email act to the sms/mms gateway of another handset without a charge to the sending party.

BBM is great if everyone has a BB.

While yes at this time and in the last ?? years the policy has been not to force...

Oct 22, 2010, 10:52 PM
It is only counted as a SMS if it is sent as a 10 digit mobile #. If you have a smart phone and send it via your email program (2125551212@mms.uscc.net) as an example it is an email and not a SMS.

Oct 8, 2010, 3:54 PM
Stay on your current plan if that makes sense for you. Thats fine. No one if forcing your hand.

However this was designed for the masses and the way the industry is heading with data and smartphones. over 60% of the country has smartphones. Thats crazy!

Keep what works for you... However like I said in a previous post, (at least in my area) at least 90% of the people in the stores are switching. They love it. Most cases the bill goes down or remains the same and they get more.

Its not a cure for everyone. Not a magic pill. Just a great step in the right direction for most.

Oct 8, 2010, 5:41 PM
I heard 99% of people are switching. They love the fact that their bill is going to go up if they switch. They can't get enough!

Oct 8, 2010, 6:21 PM
Har har har har....

Sarcasm can be great can't it? Look I'm just tellin you how it is. Been here 8 years, seen lots of changes. Run 5 stores... Maybe its different here in NH but people aren't running away at all.

CNN did rank NH as having the highest median income in the nation. That must be it.

Oct 23, 2010, 3:08 PM
No its not just NH...we are having similar success in IA!

Oct 11, 2010, 9:43 PM
1 - "Hey, WAKE UP! We can make a ton more profit by raising our prices!"

2 - "Okay, that sounds good. What do we call it?"

1 - "Well, I woke you up to tell you, so it's the Wake Up Price Hike!"

2 - "Whoa whoa whoa, customer's won't like that. Come up with something a little more 'blind faith'-like, that way they'll think it's a benefit to stay with us."

1 - "I know, we'll call it the Belief Project! Customers will pay us believing they are getting something extra!"

Oct 12, 2010, 2:12 AM
LOL, that was funny! Yeah just like the "Patriot Act" which is anything but patriotic. People fall for marketing gimmicks all the time. I read that they worked on this so called project for 4 years. Wow are you kidding me? It took 4 years to come up with 4 or 5 ideas? I could have come up with 4 ideas in like 4 days, not 4 years. So your whole "wake up" scenario might not be that far off (sleeping on the job). Really and to come up with higher priced plans, that shouldn't have taken more than 4 months to develop. Yes, some of the stuff is cutting edge to the industry like rewards points, but that shouldn't have taken 4 years to think up! Someone or some group really milked that project. Probably spent a million dollars in developm...

Oct 12, 2010, 8:48 AM
really, you think the plans are more expensive than other carriers, 1st what was our more popular plan (nat'l 1000, unlimited text, unlimited internet for smart phone and insurance) was $106. Right around what other providers, (VZW, AT&T) offer. Now the new rate plan is 89.99 for 500 more minutes (96 with insurance) a savings of $6-16. How is that more expensive when the rate gives you more than what we used to offer and more than VZW and AT&T currently offer in their plans.

Now if they want to spend $3 more, then they get unlimited minutes for their plan and it includes phone replacement. 2 insurance exchanges for free as long as the customer has the phone, and 1 time $100 deductible if the phone is lost or stolen.

AND the custo...

Oct 12, 2010, 10:09 AM
Corrections, it was early and i just woke up...the individual plan is 1200 min, 200 more, not 500. When i stated $3 more, that is from the Nat'l 1000+Unlimited Text+Data+Insurance, not the $89 plan for 1200 min.

That rate compared to VZW/AT&T $59.99 plan for 900min plan/Unlimited text/Data and that comes to $105-110 as well, a $15-20 savings for more minutes, and for a $4 more/ $1 less you can have Unlimited.

Oct 12, 2010, 10:16 AM
You really believe that it took 4 years to do this. Possible, but not probable. You do have to look at the ramifications of what was done here.

Yes "phone detailing", the rewards, the auto pay discounts are easy to compute. But the new plans, the phone replacement, and the 1 and done contracts. Those can't be put in place overnight. You have teams of people crunching numbers, projections for good/bad, cost analysis, benefit analysis, churn. All these things had to be taken in consideration before it can be launched.

Remember that it took FEMA 4 days to get water to the Superdone when Katrina hit New Orleans. Yes that not a great comparison feeling wise, but you can understand what a company goes through to make a decision.

Oct 12, 2010, 12:07 PM
I read on a Google newslink that they said it took 4 years to develop. That seems like a ridiculously long time even if you have a team of accountants crunching numbers. And don't compare to FEMA...that's the government. Government is always slow to do anything. If US Cellular worked like FEMA, they would still be selling analog phones!

Oct 12, 2010, 12:36 PM
Hello FCC, what can we do for you today???

I said it wasn't a good comparison...

Oct 22, 2010, 10:56 PM
As a current Verizon customer I could only hope that Verizon would get something like the Belief plan. One benefit I can see is that my employee discount would apply to the entire cost of the plan even on the unlimited plans. With Verizon, this is not the case.

Oct 14, 2010, 9:00 AM
Very well said (like always) USCELLGIRL.
And to those who say their current plan is better - THAN STAY ON IT or leave.. either way.. my pay doesn't change. 🤣

Oct 15, 2010, 9:54 AM
Yeah, maybe not initially. But if this causes USCC to lose customers or not have the expected gains, they may very well revamp the commission structure to pay associates less.

Oct 15, 2010, 12:47 PM

Oct 15, 2010, 4:32 PM
pay already blows. don't think they can make it worse... but they've proven me wrong before. I've got a bunch of people to switch even if it does cost a little more.. call it my amazing sales quality.. but the plans don't work for everybody (myself included) - so don't switch.. the end.

Oct 15, 2010, 4:34 PM
I'm not sure how much less they can pay in commissions as it stands. The payout on these new plans is about half what it was before. Many reps are talking about moving on to other jobs right now due to the major pay cut they are now getting. Cut it anymore and they might as well just pay hourly. There are a lot of unhappy associates as it is. I thought happy associates was supposed to lead to business results?

Oct 18, 2010, 8:07 AM

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