Oh Mary.....
http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/pe ... »
That's a lot of money to not have any "business results" that she pressured all her subordinates to achieve. Hopefully the next CEO won't be such a hard ass, but I have little faith anymore in that company.
At this point in the wireless industry, there is no way to rebuild quickly if at all.
In yesterdays news, in case you missed it:
Only 1.1 million new wireless accounts were created the first three months of 2013, according to the report from Chetan Sharma Consulting, a firm that specializes in mobile trends and strategy. This represents a whopping 60 percent decline over the number of new connections in the same quarter of 2012.
That's a huge problem for the wireless industry, which thrived in previous years as new customers signed up for mobile subscriptions.
In the year 2000, wireless companies derived more than 20 percent of their revenues from new subscribers, according to a slide in Sharma Cons...
But don't just blame her. The Carlson family is just as guilty. They gave her their blessings in all her business dealings. The were more interested in political correctness than hiring someone qualified (just like most corporations today). She bailed on them as soon as something better came along. She was just like some mercenary for hire. Now she's on to plunder some other sucker corporation.