Info & Phones
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which phone do you reccomend?
I've had Cricket for almost 2 years now and my old audiovox phone finally broke the other day and now I need a new phone. I've been considering getting a new phone from cricket for a while and now have to. I've been lookin at the Slider remix alot b/c it seems to have just about everything for cricket (bluetooth, MiniSD card, 1.3 camera) but the last place i went to look told me that its not a good phone and I shouldn't get it, which pissed me off. Anyone have suggestions, cause i'm really leaning toward the slider, i guess im just kinda lookin for someone to talk me out of it. Thanks -alex
I am looking for a phone myself.
Service is new to my area and almost all the phones listed have very poor ratings.
This fact will probably keep me from going with Cricket.
How do you like their service?
Any thoughts are thier phones?
If any of you guys were going to go with a phone i would get the xcursion....the slider is nice but it is what it is after a while its not going to slide easily when it gets dirty and the xcursion by far is our most popular model really hard to keep and stock and we hardly ever have problems with them.
I recommend any of the top three phones to our customers, (Xcursion, Slider, and Razr) I personally own the Xcursion and have not had any problems with it at all. If you are big on the real tone ring tones, I would recommend the Slider or the Razr, they have great speakers. As far as functionality goes, The Xcursion is a great phone. Good Camera, bluetooth enabled, and a durable flip phone. The Slider has the extended memory slot, a built in MP3 player, and the 1.3 megapixel camera. I know a few people that own this phone and love it, there have been zero problems thus far with sliding functions or anything else for that matter. Finally the Razr, big built in harddrive for pictures and other apps (30mb), awesome display, great sound, ...
get the slider!!!! its the best phone!
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