Motorola i776
The phone does what it's suppose's not a smartphone...but it's a great one for making calls, direct connect and can do some basic internet's not a iphone or windows phone...
It has many more pros than's for basic's not a music player or's a phone...
Are you with Boos or Nextel?
I wish Sprint-Nextel would go ahead and implement the already-existing "Push To Smart Replies" that Motorola developed back in 2004-2005 time frame. It sends short text messages over DC, so it's whopping fast, just a text version of regular voice DC.
The text messages I receive on my handset as replies to my NextMail outgoing voice messages are lightning fast. In general, from the time I let go of the PTT button at the end of my voice message, it is in the recipient's email inbox within 15 seconds, and in general when the recipient replies and hits the send/receive button in their email program, the text reply has hit my phone within 15 seconds (and none of that downloading crap like regular N...