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ATTN: I have recently had a lot of trouble with extra charges on my BOOST MOBILE PRE-PAID account. I was seemingly losing about $.40 to $.60 a day, to where or what I wasn’t sure. A few weeks of charges later, I noticed that when I called my VOICE MAIL form my HOME PHONE, my online account info charged me on my account for the entire call! I called BOOST right away, and told them the situation, AND had SEVERAL test calls made from BOOST TECHS that CONFIRMED that I was being CHARGED FOR ALL CALLS GOING TO MY VOICE MAIL. Voice mail is supposed to be FREE and they advertise and state that fact when you talk to them. Boost mobile has now turned off my voicemail, (at my request to stop the charges, it was the only way….) and they CAN NOT FIX THE ...
Sorry DFD...I run into problems like yours that seem to have no resolution...
I personally do not believe that to be the truth, but a version of the truth.Sometimes the system pop up an anomaly that cannot be resolved at the Tier I or Tier II levels and should be pushed up to the engineers for resolution and the simple fact is that unless it involves huge numbers of handsets it is not a priority...
There is an answer for this problem but I am both ashamed and perplexed at not being able to find it. In this case I would need to support of those with a far greater knowledge of the nuts & bolts, and access.
You unfortunately can imagine who frustrating it is to have those you rely on to solve tough problems throw there hands up in surrender....
HI Jess, You are right, tier 2 could not help either. I even talked to a SME and they could not fix it. I love BOOST mobile service, and had NO problems with it other than the voice mail problems. I don't want to change carriers but now I cant use the services provided like VOICE MAIL.... I have not put any money on my account in a few weeks, I want someone to fix it or tell me what I need to do to resolve it. I have talked to more than 10 service reps and tier 1, tier 2, a SME, and even some tech guy! They told me that they refused to give me credit on my account cause, charges where valid", even tho BOOST TECHS CALLED MY VOICE MAIL AND CONFIRMED THE CHARGES WHERE BEING MADE! I need any help I can get, and YES, I would like to stay with Boo...
Checking vms from boost phone is not free
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