Nextel/Boost Retail and TollFree # Reps
I've been reading with great interest the posts about using Nextel branded phones with the Boost Mobile service. I spoke to a Nextel Customer Service rep on the telephone, a Boost CS rep on the telephone, and a Nextel/Boost sales rep in the Nextel store in my local mall, and they all said the same thing:
"Nextel phones WILL NOT work with Boost."
The Boost Phone guy went so far as to tell me that Sprint changed all the SIM cards when they bought Nextel in order to make the old Nextel equipment non-compatible!? That's an interesting line of BS!
Are the reps intentionally misleading me? Are they so poorly educated by Nextel or are they trying to get me to pay big bucks for a Boost branded phone?
OR, are they...
The other side ot the coin is that you just can't allow any Lost/Stolen handset to float around, you have to maintain so integrity.
So...the answer to your question is that you have been fed a load of c@#*! I am very sorry to have to acknowledge the simple fact that Customer Service agents make simple mistakes...DUH!
Their motivation is the real mystery! ingnorance is ...