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does boost mobiel have the idicator everytime u go to make a call that tell u how many minutes u have?cause i wanna get the premuim plan but not if it tell u how many minutes u have for each call (like veriozn prepaid)
With the Premium Plan you start your month off with 200 minutes and the handset will count them DOWN for you(200,199,198,197...)during the daytime hours,7am-9pm. During Boost Time, 9pm-7am Monday thru Thursday and from friday night at 9 till monday morning at 7am, the phone just tells you that your call is free...... "this call is free".
Part of any pre pay system is the principle that the customer is very cost concsious and if they don't know how many minutes they actually have at any given moment they may lose service at a bad time and for some odd reason it always seems that it is my fault at customer service...I realize it is anoying but it is a necessary evil...sorry.
is there an option to turn it off?because if not i wont get the service
Oct 28, 2005, 10:22 PM
There is an option to turn off the reminders, you can do this via the Boost Mobile website under the "My Account" heading. Once there, there is an option to set up your reminder messages. So yes you can stop the timer messages when you place and end a call.
You unfortunately can't control the message level from Boostmobile.com as DH350 implies...try it...Sorry. They don't even approve of the agents messing with that option and have gone so far as to remove that ability from a majority of the agents...Jess
Oct 29, 2005, 5:36 PM
Explain to everybody then why I as well as others I know do not get the "nag" messages once a call is iniated?
Once you have registered your account on boostmobile.com, you will need to login to your account https://selfcare.bcgi.net/boost/index.htm. Once there you can edit your personal settings (name hoome and business #s and email) and one of those settings is a drop down box where you can enable Full, Partial, or No messaging. Here is the explaination: https://selfcare.bcgi.net/boost/getDescriptio n.asp?DescID=Message+Level
Once again dh350 is correct...tell him what he wins, Johnny !
Oct 30, 2005, 1:54 PM
How about a side job in customer care.........LMAO
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