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New phones?
Any word on what new phones boost may be offering in the near future? I was thinking about getting a boost phone, but I've seen the new stuff that nextel is getting (i930 and i870) and was wondering if anyone knows if something like that will be coming out for boost anytime soon.
Thanks for any info. If you know about what the price might be that would be cool, but I don't want specifics if you can't give them.
The i930 is a great handset and if you can get your hands on one free and clear of a contract all you have to do is get a Boost starter kit ( SIM and $10 activation pin) and it will work great with our service!
The only options we do not support are 3-way, call waiting, group connect or direct talk.
can i use the internet on the i930 with your boost service
does the internet work on the i 930 with the boost service
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