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$20 Boost Cards are a problem
I work at a cell phone dealership and we sell boost mobile as well as the cards. I also live in New York, which may be a bit different from wherever you guys live. We get alot of customers coming into the store to buy $20 boost cards. Being the good salepeople we are, we enter it in for the customer(also so they cant blame us for selling them a crappy card when they already put the minutes in). But lately we've been having this problem that the boost cards cant be read by the computer unless i turn the phone off and turn it back on. whats the deal with that? does anyone else have that problem when putting in boost cards? does anyone have any type of problem like that at all?
I am not sure exactly what you mean by "the computer can't read the cards unless you turn the phone off"...Please be more specific?
I am wondering if you mean the customer can't use the phone after you add the card unless the handset is powered off and back on? If this is the case then your are correct, you have to powercycle a phone on/off after adding a reboost card if the account is at zero. The account will have restrictions on the WalkieTalkie and the Wireless Web whenever a customer's balance reaches zero ($0).....the powercycle drops the restrictions once money has been added on. Unfortunately the system can have "issues" and a customer may have to call in to request those restrictions manually removed, sorry agent error!
Boost is having a lot of issue's with re-boost cards, Sups at boost mobile blame the people who activate those cards, but it ain't there fault they just want to re direct the customer to the store. They usually tell the customer that it make take up to 8 hours to get on the account when really it aint going to happen like that.
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