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Is this the beginning of the end?


Mar 20, 2008, 6:39 PM
I just saw the announcement on the front page of phonescoop.com about Verizon winning a huge chunk of the 700 Mhz auction. I don't see anything, though, about whether Alltel got something. Does it not stand to reason that if Alltel, certainly not in control of its own destiny, could fold up like a cheap suitcase if they failed to win anything?

To be sure, when Verizon comes to Charlottesville, I'm done with Alltel. What I learned as an employee with corporate is that the management attitude prefers cutthroat to reason, and it filters down to the reps who are forced to adopt corporate philosophy and leave common sense at the door upon entering. I found working for Alltel to be a complete exercise in futility. There was no room for e...

Mar 20, 2008, 11:33 PM
Not at all Alltel posted nice profits today. I hear rumors that they are going to snap up Sprint. 😳 😳

Mar 21, 2008, 7:30 PM

Have you been smoking those Lefty Luckies again?

Where did you hear that?

Mar 21, 2008, 8:57 PM
yeah, that's a crock of crap. I doubt sprint is even willing to sell. Ugh. If anything, alltel will get conquered and divided up between Verizon and Sprint.

Mar 21, 2008, 10:49 PM
No the Sprint rumors have been swirling for quite some time now.

Mar 22, 2008, 10:06 AM
that's all they are. rumours. no statements whatsoever anywhere. no substance to them. people assume it's logical due to sprint losing money/customers last year, but I doubt we'll see Alltel bite Sprint anytime soon.

Actually, I'm against something like that. I can't stand Alltel.

Mar 22, 2008, 11:46 AM
Hmm, rumors with no substance. Kind of like the rumors of Alltel getting sold off bit by bit to the larger companies.

Mar 22, 2008, 5:17 PM

And it completly baffles me how any sane person could like sprint over alltel. In anyway....besides maybe their texting plans....which can get bogged down and not have the message delivered until a day later.

Mar 24, 2008, 8:56 PM
text delay: happens with every carrier. Hasn't happened to me once in 8 months.

Alltel: i never said they would be sold off bit by bit. That's what I WANT to happen.

I sell for alltel, sprint and t-mobile. I can't stand alltels activation system, it's customer care, my local rep, or the phones they have. The local rep actually went into a 3rd party retailer in the area and started pulling up carpet in rage after he found out they were going to switch to sprint. He comes in here ever so often telling my current T-Mo customers they're dumb for not being with Alltel. I told him not to bother coming in anytime soon after that.

Alltel needs to change their plans. If a guy wants to switch from having a regular plan to a blackberry plan,...

Mar 25, 2008, 9:33 AM
First, you can't base your idea of a company solely on one guy. If that were the case I would say that anyone fitting your description is mentally retarded.

Also, you can switch from a "regular" plan to a "blackberry" plan (actually called Smart Choice Pack) you can do an add-a-line; $15.00 a month. The secondary also gets unlimited text, 7PM nights and weekeneds. TADAA!

And the activation system? God, could it be more simple. We use eWave. "Enter customer information, enter hexadecimal ESN, enter rate plan, print!". Whoa... MIND BLOWING! Compare that with AT&T's CARE or Telegence system... Sprint and AT&T are probably the worst companies out there. They shaft their customers and think they can get away with it, hence the ENO...

Mar 26, 2008, 12:53 PM
Secondary lines are $20. Don't be telling people they are $15 or your going to have some pissed off customers coming to you. Or if your the store on the other side of town from us, I'll have some pissed off customers coming into my store to bitch about their first bill.

Mar 21, 2008, 10:16 PM
It's not going to be about voice - it's about wireless broadband & data....and over the air digital cable.

Mar 21, 2008, 10:20 PM
Sprint lost so much money last year they are prime for a buyout!

Mar 22, 2008, 9:09 AM
The FCC may eventually force VERIZON to divest assets they hold in other parts of the spectrum in certain markets to 'maintain a certain level of competition' - or Verizon may want to shed some isolated markets in a bid to get some cash to pay for all their new spectrum...and Alltel could end up acquiring some of that.

Mar 22, 2008, 10:19 AM
True. Sprint may be ripe but none of the carriers except alltel can buy them. They hold the most spectrum and that would make it a no go with the FCC. They company buying them if one of the other carriers that can afford them other then alltel would have to give up too much. No comcast or google would be ok. And alltel just might if the price is right. But I don['t see them being bought and the other poster is most likly right with alltel getting it from verizon after they are forced to give up certian spectrum.

Mar 24, 2008, 9:03 PM
this pisses me off. If the FCC made Verizon give up stuff for competition, I'd be pissed. I would rather

A: Pay a little more to get a carrier capable of serving me EVERYWHERE than have prices low for "competition". This isn't Wal-Mart, this is different, and the government shouldn't be allowed to force a carrier to give up area space.....

if anything, they should force everyone to work together to get MORE space....I want a phone that gets service EVERYWHERE!!! MO HA HAA!

Sometimes the government sucks.

Mar 21, 2008, 10:50 PM
Your verizon phone worked fine while roaming on Alltel remember.

You'll see the ills of verizon soon enough if you decide to switch. So be it and good luck.
your fathers cell company

Mar 22, 2008, 2:30 PM
my only question snqwrtr525 is why did alltel fire you? Obviously you have an ax to grind thats why you keep coming in with your petulant rants. You found a new job in a new industry ...great just don't forget that while you are crying about Alltel on this site you just might forget to take the fries out of the fryer there at McDonald's, and you might have to move to another "new industry". Hopefully Verizon will come to Charlottesville soon and then you can quit making out with your mom or sister long enough to have them run your credit and find out that all you qualify for is prepay....later crybaby 😈 😈 😈

Mar 22, 2008, 6:07 PM
Working for Alltel Direct was absolute Hell!
by sngwrtr525 Oct 5, 2007, 6:51 AM

Yesterday was my last day working for the Alltel company store in Charlottesville, VA. I am off to what I think will be greener pastures effective this coming Monday. I decided to leave Alltel employ voluntarily since there was little chance of my making required quota, therefore being able to make the money I wanted to make in this store.

Looks like from this she quit b/c she couldnt get her job done to avoid being canned! 🤣

Mar 22, 2008, 6:14 PM
I just got tired of being a cellular whore. And by the way, I am male, not female, for your information and clarity.

Go climb a tree.

Mar 22, 2008, 6:12 PM
For your information, anal pore, I'm now in the car rental business making more money than I've made in cellular the last five years, and I couldn't be happier. Verizon has been very smart about their marketing down here, priming the pump with local television advertising ever since we came to Charlottesville in late 2004 in preparation for their coming in by 2010. I also have a AAA credit rating, thank you very much, and I can go to any provider I please, and I'll bet you a dollar you're not in that position. What YOU seem to forget is that Alltel is not really in charge of its own destiny. They sold off their stock to pay down debt and accrue money for the auction at which they won....NOTHING! You make a brave noise, MFCC, but in the ...

Mar 22, 2008, 6:14 PM
Re: swithching to alltel...
by sngwrtr525 Jun 30, 2007, 7:42 PM
I went to work for Alltel direct, but only recently did I drop my Verizon service after eight years of spectacular service because I couldn't get a local number where I live (Charlottesville, VA). I have had the National Freedom 900 plan on my personal line now for one month, and it is every bit as good as Verizon, if not better in some spots that I go through. I've also used the phone around my old DC area a few days, and absolutely no problem whatsoever.

This is what she wrote before being "canned" My how being canned can change your perspective on a company 🤣

Mar 22, 2008, 6:16 PM
Get your facts straight. I wasn't canned. I left on my own. I saw the writing on the wall and split. I would recommend you update your resume. You're going to need to do that fairly soon.

Mar 22, 2008, 6:20 PM
quiting b/c your going to get fired just as bad as being fired. Your a quiter who got fired!!!! 🤣

Mar 22, 2008, 6:21 PM

Mar 22, 2008, 6:29 PM
Lets keep this on a professional level. 😉
your fathers cell company

Mar 22, 2008, 7:58 PM
The rental car business? And you have the nerve to criticize someone with a real job?Wow there is a real future there, don't feel bad, lot porters and car detailers can get a job at a car wash most anywhere. Again angry LITTLE boy... Alltel is a company that employs quite a few people and it makes no sense why someone comes in and happily wishes for a company to fail so that other people will be out of a job. It says loads about your character, ecspecially since in an earlier post you went on about how great alltel was and then after you were fired you bash the company...you should move on. When Verizon moves in to your little town you and the other three people that live there will be happy with your prepay service. Maybe uncle Cletus will...

Mar 23, 2008, 7:11 AM
Good morning, anal pore...

I'm in the management program with my employer, and I don't spend my days washing the cars, but renting them to corporate accounts, for the most part. That's a fact, Jack!

The main reason why I have been bashing Alltel has nothing to do with the actual service, which, to tell you the truth, is not bad. I'm able to make calls pretty much from wherever I need to, and that's just about all I want. The crux of it all has to do with the fact that going in, you don't really know the nuances and the true motis operendi of a company until you've been on the inside for awhile. What I found from working for the company is that they talk out of both sides of their mouth. Sexual harrassment, according to Alltel poli...

Mar 23, 2008, 9:42 AM
sngwrtr525 said:
Take a step back and take a long, hard look at your business. I think you'll find I'm not as full of crap as you think I am.

Have a nice day.

Actually, you are full of crap.

The 700mhz auction is not about more cellular voice service...it's broadband data & wireless digital television...so Alltel not getting any of that spectrum is not the big deal you think it is.

Further proof you're full of crap is the assertion that towers can be put up willy-nilly in rural areas...guess what: it's highly regulated. I've looked at numbers too, and will tell you you're wrong.

Alltel is not going die like you want it to....they'll get on just fine, even better with you not selling for them....

Mar 23, 2008, 10:23 AM
You can esad, too! Did you know that towers can be put in areas that will not cause a problem? Towers today can look like trees, or be put next to existing equipment like outdoor air conditioning units. Don't tell me, you jerk, that the footprints can't be expanded because of over-regulation. The fact is, it's cheaper to just offer better service in more populated areas and leave the folks in the fringes alone. It's an economic decision, plain and simple. It's also very short-sighted.

If you think that most people want to spend over $100 a month on a cellular bill, you really have been huffing a little too long. Most people, believe it or not, want one thing and one thing only...to make or take a call when they need to do so. An...

Mar 23, 2008, 3:28 PM
You know not of what you speak. I hope you enjoy renting cars.

Mar 23, 2008, 4:16 PM
Forgive me, Keith, but I do know of what I speak. I was there.

And, my God, yes, I enjoy renting cars. At the very least, I am involved in a product that there is a need for. My customers come to me...because they NEED what we have.

Life is not just good...it's EXCELLENT!

So shove it!

Mar 23, 2008, 6:42 PM
What are all the references to renting cars? Did I miss something out with car rentals and alltel doing something together? So what am I missing here?

Mar 23, 2008, 7:27 PM
Birdman, no offense intended, but either read the chain or go back to sleep. It'll take too long to explain it.


Mar 23, 2008, 7:46 PM
So shove it!

Interpersonal skills like this will serve you well in the rental industry when someone calls with a stalled unit - you can tell them the same thing you told me.

Alltel is a better company without you selling for it. 🤣

Mar 24, 2008, 4:58 AM
You know, I find it very interesting that every explanation I have given has been roundly ignored by you. All you have is this diplomatic response, under which is a visceral disgust. Anyone like yourself who is afraid to find fault with anything truly cannot be trusted. Thomas Jefferson is quoted as saying that dissention is the highest form of patriotism. Applied here, there are major flaws with Alltel which you have chosen not to examine. Truly, you are the worst kind of human being, not only a cellular whore, but one who cloaks his responses with passive/aggressive anger.

I hope your Prozac doesn't run out soon.

I am glad to be done with cellular sales. There's no point in looking backward. I'd have to deal with garbage like ...

Mar 24, 2008, 5:35 AM
your fathers cell company

Mar 24, 2008, 10:59 PM
sngwrtr525 said:
The fact is, it's cheaper to just offer better service in more populated areas and leave the folks in the fringes alone. It's an economic decision, plain and simple. It's also very short-sighted.

If you think that most people want to spend over $100 a month on a cellular bill, you really have been huffing a little too long. Most people, believe it or not, want one thing and one thing only...to make or take a call when they need to do so. An overwhelming majority of the people I have sold cellular to don't give a rat's ass about XM Radio and downloading ringtones. Only you cellular whores think that's important.

Oh now I get it youre a saint, you want cheap cell service for the masses, wh

Mar 25, 2008, 7:53 PM
Your logic is as convoluted as you are.

For your information, yes, I do work for Enterprise, a Fortune 500 company that primarily promotes from within, and movement is quite rapid. The demand for rental cars, even in this economy, is unbelievably high. We primarily work with major corporate accounts, but insurance rentals keep most of our cars from being turned over faster. The great thing is, there is a demand for what I am involved with now. It's cheaper to rent, in many cases, than it is to maintain your own vehicle. As far as the insurance is concerned, well, it ain't insurance. It is a damage waiver that about 50% of the customers, on average carry at their own expense and choice. If they have insurance, some will still take i...

Mar 24, 2008, 10:46 AM
First anyone who thinks Alltel couldnt snap up Sprint doesnt understand the Alltel Structure they have money behind them and they are ready to spend it, write down it will be done within 6 months.

Mar 24, 2008, 1:30 PM
Direct from the southease VP of Alltel; "We have made an offer on Sprint, it was refused, we are currently in the process of courting another offer."

Also, seeing as Alltel has network agreements with Verizon, wouldn't Alltel just change the details of said agreement to include the 700MHz spectrum? Furthermore, Alltel's debt to income ratio is non-existant. The reason Alltel was involved in a private equity purchase was to protect the company from being snapped up by AT&T or another large telecommunications company. Alltel wasn't on the rocks, barely clinging on for life. At the time that the purchase was pushed through there was some big shuffling in the Telecommunications industry, gobbling up of smaller companies. So Alltel went w...

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