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Getting A MOTO and wanted some help


May 8, 2006, 2:11 PM
OK guys, I am in need of your knowledge. I want to get either a V3i, V3x, or SLVR 7, but I keep hearing mixed reviews about each that the v3i's software sucks or that the v3x has a lot of bugs or that the slvr doesn't have a megapixel camera. I want a phone that works well, can hold some music, and that won't die on me in a day, like the v3c. Any info will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

May 12, 2006, 10:39 AM
I'm confused
W/what carrier?

May 14, 2006, 10:57 AM
Sounds like Cingular, possibly T-Mobile, unless it's a regional carrier.

Here's my opionion:

V3x - I believe you're referring to the original RAZR. It is for someone looking for a basic phone that looks cool. Other than the camera, bluetooth and speakerphone, that's pretty much all it does. I hear people whine about it, and I hear people who love their RAZR, including people who are rough with their phones. It wouldn't be my first choice, but it isn't nessisarily a bad one.

V3i - Can we say, "It's about time?" Ever since VZW launched their RAZR, I've been waiting for this one. It makes the RAZR what it should be. The problem is, I work for a retailer, and I haven't seen one yet. It may be a few more months.

SLVR L7 - Sli...

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