What's the meaning of the number of Blackberry?
Exact name of the phone is Blackberry 8703.
I found this model is cheaper than even lower model number of Blackberry (both used one).
It's like... 83XX one is more expansive than 8703 one. I assumed the higher number meant newer version and worth more. But it seems like they are not.
What does the model number mean?
One more question,, I paid $62 for used 8703 one(including charger and so on..). Is it expansive?
$62 isn't a bad price for an 8703, but it probably isn't the deal of the century on them either.
If you want the Blackberry for the organizing abilities, calendar, ect. You will be happy. If you want it as a media player, photo snapper, ect phone, you will probably be very disappointed.