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Pantech PC Suite for the Impact?
I was reading the Pantech Impact user manual, and it claims that the Impact is capable of synchronizing with Outlook on a PC, but you have to download a PC Suite from Pantech USA's website to do it. I looked for the download at Pantech USA, but could not find a PC Suite download anywhere. I contacted Pantech about it, but have still not recieved an answer to my question. I contacted AT&T, and they said that the PC Suite may be available at AT&T stores.
My first question is; does a PC Suite exist for the Pantech Impact, as noted in the user manual? And second; if so, where does one actually go about finding it and getting it?
I am not looking to get a Pantech Impact for myself, but I know someone who is dead set on one and needs to ...
Okay, so I found out the answer after digging around some more... the Pantech PC Suite is not yet officially released, and is still in a beta version, but is planned for commercial release some time in the first quarter of this year. Hope this information helps somebody...
I found the PC Suite for the Impact (Here: es)
But I'm having trouble getting it to work with a USB cable.
I have PC Suite set to USB and I've tried my phone on first "set at connection" and then "mass storage". But my computer just doesn't seem to be finding it.
I've rebooted and reinstalled PC Suite.
Any other ideas?
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