Palm Treo 750
Reviews 57
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So when this thing actually goes through for us normal users out here, will M$ offer a free update or charge to update WM5 to WM6? I know this should probably be in a general forum and the question may have been asked already but I just wanted to get some feedback/comments/opinions, on what was going to happen, if anyone had an idea. When they do release, how many are going to jump ship on first release and how many are going to wait a bit? IDK just trying to see what the rest of the mobile world thinks.
Palm more or less said it will be offered towards the end of the year, doubtful it will be free, nor do I expect it to be unless it was bought within a month or two of WM 6 being available. My thoughts is how much is it going to be? Fine if it's sub $US100.00, not sure it would be worth it to me if it's more then that.
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