Motorola W385
Reviews 80
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If you don't care about all the data crap, Music player, mp3 player, and just want a solid phone with great sound quality and bluetooth then check this thing out. I would take one of these over a razr or a krazr any day!! the build quality is that much better and the actual phone functions are much improved... quick menus, clear sound.
It is to bad this forum is so dead, because this is really a nice phone.
oh well, to little to late i guess, this phone would have been a hit is released over a year ago.
I am all about getting one of these phones! I have been worried because not alot of people have reviewed them or really talked about them. I just want a phone for a phone...not a music player have my mp3...not a digital camera...i have that...not that VCast which just increased your bill. I want great reception, great battery life and great call quality. Have I found the ONE finally? Should I take the plunge????????????????/
Jul 24, 2007, 12:08 AM
Short answer: YES!
My "New Every Two" eligibility turned into "New Every Four" waiting for a phone like this. I've had it for about a week and believe it was well worth the wait.
I hate to say yes go buy it then it blow up in a month. Motorola has tricked me before as i trusted phones like the 720/73 265/276 and even the 325 is starting to trickle in with tons of battery issues. There screens have had the ugly red bars, menus were slow, but this all seems fixed with this model. Time is the true test, so far so good..I would say go try it out
I agree with yeahright. Even though I know alot of people that work for Moto and I try to support American companies, I have always stayed away from Moto products.
This is not the case with this phone. Also it definately helped with that both yeahright and theatremax both raved about this phone. When two of the more knowledgable posters both recommend a phone, I'm more apt to pay attention and so far I'm really glad I did.
Oh and the BT on this phone is really good. It pairs with everything including my cars no problem.
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